Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

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Sergio Martinez
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Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »


Swiss system tournament. The engines will be divided into groups of 80 engines + 16 best engines of the lower group. There will be five groups (A, B, C, D, E) and a last group (F), where new engines will be added. The sixteen best engines of group F will automatically promote to group E and will play a Swiss system against the 80 engines (12 rounds) that are in that group. Of those 96 engines, they will promote the first 16 to group D, and so on. All this in a single edition, so a new engine has the possibility to reach group A in that same edition. The 16 worst engines in each group will automatically demote.
GUI : Arena (3.51)
Time control: 40/4 (adapted to the CCRL benchmark).
Ponder: off
Threads : 1
Default hash=256Mb
Endgame tablebases: Syzygy - Nalimov - Scorpio Bitbases - Gaviota. Hash set to 64Mb.
Resign is set to -5 for 3 consecutive moves where able.
Updates will not be allowed during each tournament (each group).
Open to all Winboard and UCI engines (free, private and commercial).
The similarity tool will be used to determine whether or not an engine can participate (Engines allowed until 70% of moves match).
Results will be rated only for engines already in the CCRL lists.
All engines will use the same opening book limited to an 8 move depth.
Engine authors can either post their wish for their engine to participate or contact through email ( or private message. I will choose engines by myself too.

Deadline to update engines: June 12
Start: June 13 ... groupB.htm


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  1: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        The LCZero Authors.                                   3470
  2: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              Martin Sedlak                         Czech           2940
  3: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             Miguel A.Ballicora                    Argentina       2880
  4: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           Salvatore Giannotti                   Italy           2838
  5: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            Vincent Tang                          United Kingdom  2830
  6: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       Tamas Kuzmics                         Hungary         2780
  7: Fruit 2.31                     Fabien LETOUZEY                       France          2763
  8: Shield 2.1 64-bit              Luigi Marco Ripamonti                 Italy           2752
  9: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           François Karr                         France          2750
 10: Devel 2.0000                   Per Skjerpe                           Norway          2738
 11: Chess Tiger 2007.1             Christophe Théron                     France          2714
 12: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        Johan de Koning                       Netherlands     2704
 13: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         Ben-Hur Carlos Vieira Langoni Junior  Brazil          2689
 14: Pharaon 3.5.1                  Franck ZIBI                           France          2688
 15: Delfi 5.4                      Dr. Fabio Cavicchio                   Italy           2681
 16: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           Christian Sommerfeld                  Germany         2672
 17: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             Tom Likens                            USA             2665
 18: Alaric 707                     Peter Fendrich                        Sweden          2664
 19: ECE X3.5 64-bit                Luigino Viscione                      Italy           2661
 20: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              Dragan Zdravkovic                     Canada          2654
 21: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               Matt McKnight                         USA             2653
 22: Phalanx XXV                    Dusan Dobes                           Czech           2646
 23: Colossus 2008b                 Martin Bryant                         England         2641
 24: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           Harald Johnsen                        France          2640
 25: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               Jacob Børs Lind                       Norway          2638
 26: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            Eric Triki                            France          2636
 27: Rodin 8.0                      Fermín Serrano                        Spain           2633
 28: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          Manik Charan                          India           2633
 29: WildCat 8                      Igor Korshunov                        Belarus         2628
 30: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      Uri Blass                             Israel          2627
 31: Gandalf 7 64-bit               Steen Suurballe                       Denmark         2626
 32: Zarkov 6.55                    John Stanback                         USA             2626
 33: DanaSah 7.3                    Pedro Castro                          Spain           2618
 34: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             Ilari Pihlajisto                      Finland         2617
 35: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         Jonathan Kreuzer                      USA             2615
 36: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           Mike Dokken                           USA             2611
 37: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              Oscar Gavira                          Spain           2611
 38: Ruffian 2.1.0                  Perola Valfridsson                    Sweden          2611
 39: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           Eric Oldre                            USA             2609
 40: Glass 2.0 64-bit               Pawel Koziol                          Poland          2605
 41: Delocto 0.6 64bit              Moritz Terink                         Austria         2604
 42: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          Gary Linscott                         USA             2603
 43: Minic 0.61 64-bit              Vivien Clauzon                        France          2602
 44: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           M. Lupke                              Germany         2599
 45: Amyan 1.72                     Antonio Dieguez                       Chile           2599
 46: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               Marcel van Kervinck                   Netherlands     2592
 47: N2 0.4 64-bit                  Ralf Schaefer-Laufen                  Germany         2591
 48: Muse 0.953 64-bit              Martin Fierz                          Switzerland     2590
 49: K2 0.91                        Sergey Meus                           Russia          2588
 50: Pseudo 0.7c                    Jan Klima                             Czech           2577
 51: SOS 5.1                        Rudolf Huber                          Germany         2576
 52: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            Steve Maughan                         England         2573
 53: Aristarch 4.50                 Stefan Zipproth                       Germany         2568
 54: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    L A Oliveira Jr                       Brazil          2565
 55: Petir 4.9                      Peter Alloysius                       Indonesia       2565
 56: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          Piotr Cichy                           Poland          2560
 57: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               Philipp Classen                       Germany         2551
 58: Pupsi2 0.09                    Jesper Nielsen                        Denmark         2546
 59: Betsabe II 1.84                Juan Benitez                          Spain           2543
 60: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             Volker Annuss                         Germany         2541
 61: AnMon 5.75                     Christian Barreteau                   France          2540
 62: Ufim 8.02                      N.Khasanov                            Russia          2536
 63: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         Gunther Piez                          Germany         2535
 64: Nameless 1.4k 64-bit           P.Kumar                               India           2531
 65: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           Sven Schule                           Germany         2530
 66: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           Carlos del Cacho                      Spain           2517
 67: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           Janne I Kokkala                       Finland         2514
 68: Orion 0.5 64-bit               David CARTEAU                         France          2513
 69: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  Michael Borgstaedt                    Germany         2509
 70: Green Light Chess     Tim Foden                             England         2508
 71: Trace 1.37a                    Ross Boyd                             Australia       2507
 72: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          Marco Pagnoncelli                     Italy           2498
 73: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             Dan Honeycutt                         USA             2488
 74: Magnum 4.0                     Eric Stock                            Canada          2486
 75: Tao 5.6                        Bas Hamstra                           Netherland      2483
 76: Gothmog 1.0b10                 Tord Romstad                          Norway          2479
 77: Xpdnt 091007                   David Weller                          USA             2469
 78: Viper 0.1 64-bit               Tord Romstad                          Norway          2469
 79: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       Laurens Winkelhagen                   Netherlands     2463
 80: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               Alessandro Scotti                     Italy           2462
 81: Anatoli 0.35k                  Martin Giepmans                       Netherlands     2456
 82: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           Shawn Chidester                       USA             2451
 83: SpiderChess 070603             Martin Giepmans                       Netherlands     2437
 84: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            Erik Madsen                           USA             2436
 85: LambChop 10.99                 Peter McKenzie                        New Zealand     2434
 86: Ares 64-bit          Charles Roberson                      USA             2432
 87: Nemeton 1.81                   Stan Arts                             Netherlands     2423
 88: Dragon 4.6                     Bruno Lucas                           France          2418
 89: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        Scott Gasch                           USA             2414
 90: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           Antonio Torrecillas                   Spain           2412
 91: Gosu 0.16                      Arkadiusz Paterek                     Poland          2384
 92: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            John Merlino                          USA             2382
 93: Comet B68                      Uli Tuerke                            Germany         2377
 94: Terra 3.4                      Peter Fendrich                        Sweden          2365
 95: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            Ma Chao                               China           2357
 96: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            Eric MARATHEE                         France          2336
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 ------------------ ROUND 1. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           ----   Muse 0.953 64-bit                
   2: N2 0.4 64-bit                 ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit              
   3: Terra 3.4                     ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                 
   4: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit          ----   Comet B68                        
   5: Amyan 1.72                    ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit              
   6: Gosu 0.16                     ----   Minic 0.65 64-bit                
   7: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit          ----   GarboChess 3.0 64-bit            
   8: Delocto 0.6 64bit             ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit          
   9: Dragon 4.6                    ----   Glass 2.0 64-bit                 
  10: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit          ----   Nemeton 1.81                     
  11: Ares 64-bit         ----   Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit             
  12: LambChop 10.99                ----   Coiled 0.6 64-bit                
  13: Ruffian 2.1.0                 ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit              
  14: SpiderChess 070603            ----   Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1           
  15: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit            ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit             
  16: Anatoli 0.35k                 ----   DanaSah 7.3                      
  17: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit              ----   Gandalf 7 64-bit                 
  18: Zarkov 6.55                   ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit         
  19: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     ----   Viper 0.1 64-bit                 
  20: Xpdnt 091007                  ----   WildCat 8                        
  21: Gothmog 1.0b10                ----   WyldChess 1.51 64-bit            
  22: Rodin 8.0                     ----   Tao 5.6                          
  23: E.T. Chess 13.01.08           ----   Magnum 4.0                       
  24: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            ----   Sjakk 2.2 64-bit                 
  25: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit          ----   CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit            
  26: Trace 1.37a                   ----   Colossus 2008b                   
  27: Phalanx XXV                   ----   Green Light Chess       
  28: Dorky 4.8 64-bit              ----   Little Goliath Evolution 3.12    
  29: Nebula 2.0 64-bit             ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                 
  30: ECE X3.5 64-bit               ----   JikChess 0.02 64-bit             
  31: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit          ----   Alaric 707                       
  32: Djinn 1.021 64-bit            ----   Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit             
  33: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit          ----   Nameless 1.4r 64-bit             
  34: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit        ----   Delfi 5.4                        
  35: Ufim 8.02                     ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                    
  36: AnMon 5.75                    ----   RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit           
  37: Hermann 2.8 64-bit            ----   Chessmaster 11 Paralyse          
  38: Betsabe II 1.84               ----   Chess Tiger 2007.1               
  39: Devel 2.0000                  ----   Pupsi2 0.09                      
  40: Ghost 3.1 64-bit              ----   BugChess2 1.9 64-bit             
  41: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit         ----   Shield 2.1 64-bit                
  42: Fruit 2.31                    ----   Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit      
  43: Petir 4.9                     ----   tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit         
  44: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit           ----   Aristarch 4.50                   
  45: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit          ----   Maverick 1.5 64-bit              
  46: SOS 5.1                       ----   Gaviota 1.0 64-bit               
  47: Cheng 4.39 64-bit             ----   Pseudo 0.7c                      
  48: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU       ----   K2 0.91                  
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Muse 0.953 64-bit            
 N2 0.4 64-bit                  1.0 -- 0.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          
 Terra 3.4                      0.0 -- 1.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit             
 Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                    
 Amyan 1.72                     0.5 -- 0.5  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          
 Gosu 0.16                      0.5 -- 0.5  Minic 0.65 64-bit            
 Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  GarboChess 3.0 64-bit        
 Delocto 0.6 64bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      
 Dragon 4.6                     0.5 -- 0.5  Glass 2.0 64-bit             
 NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Nemeton 1.81                 
 Ares 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit         
 LambChop 10.99                 0.5 -- 0.5  Coiled 0.6 64-bit            
 Ruffian 2.1.0                  0.0 -- 1.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit          
 SpiderChess 070603             0.5 -- 0.5  Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1       
 Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         
 Anatoli 0.35k                  0.5 -- 0.5  DanaSah 7.3                  
 Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Gandalf 7 64-bit             
 Zarkov 6.55                    0.5 -- 0.5  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      1.0 -- 0.0  Viper 0.1 64-bit             
 Xpdnt 091007                   0.0 -- 1.0  WildCat 8                    
 Gothmog 1.0b10                 0.0 -- 1.0  WyldChess 1.51 64-bit        
 Rodin 8.0                      1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                      
 E.T. Chess 13.01.08            1.0 -- 0.0  Magnum 4.0                   
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Sjakk 2.2 64-bit             
 Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit        
 Trace 1.37a                    0.0 -- 1.0  Colossus 2008b               
 Phalanx XXV                    0.5 -- 0.5  Green Light Chess   
 Dorky 4.8 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Little Goliath Evolution 3.12
 Nebula 2.0 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Orion 0.5 64-bit             
 ECE X3.5 64-bit                0.0 -- 1.0  JikChess 0.02 64-bit         
 Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Alaric 707                   
 Djinn 1.021 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit         
 Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Nameless 1.4r 64-bit         
 Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Delfi 5.4                    
 Ufim 8.02                      0.5 -- 0.5  Pharaon 3.5.1                
 AnMon 5.75                     0.5 -- 0.5  RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit       
 Hermann 2.8 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Chessmaster 11 Paralyse      
 Betsabe II 1.84                0.5 -- 0.5  Chess Tiger 2007.1           
 Devel 2.0000                   0.0 -- 1.0  Pupsi2 0.09                  
 Ghost 3.1 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  BugChess2 1.9 64-bit         
 nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Shield 2.1 64-bit            
 Fruit 2.31                     1.0 -- 0.0  Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit  
 Petir 4.9                      0.0 -- 1.0  tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit     
 Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Aristarch 4.50               
 Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Maverick 1.5 64-bit          
 SOS 5.1                        0.0 -- 1.0  Gaviota 1.0 64-bit           
 Cheng 4.39 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Pseudo 0.7c                  
 Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        1.0 -- 0.0  K2 0.91                      

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 ------------------ ROUND 2. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Orion 0.5 64-bit              ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit              
   2: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           ----   Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit           
   3: Terra 3.4                     ----   Ghost 3.1 64-bit                 
   4: Comet B68                     ----   nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit            
   5: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       ----   Petir 4.9                        
   6: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit   ----   Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit             
   7: Nemeton 1.81                  ----   Aristarch 4.50                   
   8: Maverick 1.5 64-bit           ----   Ares 64-bit            
   9: Viper 0.1 64-bit              ----   SOS 5.1                          
  10: Pseudo 0.7c                   ----   Xpdnt 091007                     
  11: K2 0.91                       ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                   
  12: Tao 5.6                       ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                    
  13: Magnum 4.0                    ----   ECE X3.5 64-bit                  
  14: Alaric 707                    ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit               
  15: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit         ----   Fridolin 3.10 64-bit             
  16: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse       ----   Trace 1.37a                      
  17: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12 ----   Devel 2.0000                     
  18: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           ----   Betsabe II 1.84                  
  19: Minic 0.65 64-bit             ----   Dragon 4.6                       
  20: Glass 2.0 64-bit              ----   Gosu 0.16                         
  21: Coiled 0.6 64-bit             ----   SpiderChess 070603               
  22: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1        ----   LambChop 10.99                   
  23: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit            ----   Anatoli 0.35k                     
  24: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          ----   DanaSah 7.3                         
  25: Zarkov 6.55                   ----   Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit                 
  26: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      ----   Gandalf 7 64-bit                 
  27: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit          ----   Phalanx XXV                      
  28: Green Light Chess    ----   Djinn 1.021 64-bit               
  29: Pharaon 3.5.1                 ----   AnMon 5.75                       
  30: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit        ----   Ufim 8.02                        
  31: Chess Tiger 2007.1            ----   Amyan 1.72                       
  32: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           ----   Rodin 8.0                        
  33: JikChess 0.02 64-bit          ----   E.T. Chess 13.01.08              
  34: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit              ----   Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit             
  35: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit          ----   Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit             
  36: Colossus 2008b                ----   Hermann 2.8 64-bit               
  37: Pupsi2 0.09                   ----   Dorky 4.8 64-bit                 
  38: Muse 0.953 64-bit             ----   Nebula 2.0 64-bit                
  39: Delfi 5.4                     ----   N2 0.4 64-bit                    
  40: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit          ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                 
  41: Shield 2.1 64-bit             ----   Asymptote 0.6 64-bit             
  42: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit         ----   Fruit 2.31                       
  43: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit      ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit                
  44: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit           ----   NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit             
  45: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit          ----   Gogobello 2.0 64-bit             
  46: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit            ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)        
  47: WildCat 8                     ----   Cheng 4.39 64-bit                
  48: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit         ----   Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU       
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 Orion 0.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit       
 Terra 3.4                      0.5 -- 0.5  Ghost 3.1 64-bit             
 Comet B68                      0.0 -- 1.0  nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit        
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Petir 4.9                    
 Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    1.0 -- 0.0  Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit         
 Nemeton 1.81                   1.0 -- 0.0  Aristarch 4.50               
 Maverick 1.5 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Ares 64-bit        
 Viper 0.1 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  SOS 5.1                      
 Pseudo 0.7c                    0.5 -- 0.5  Xpdnt 091007                 
 K2 0.91                        0.5 -- 0.5  Gothmog 1.0b10               
 Tao 5.6                        1.0 -- 0.0  Ruffian 2.1.0                
 Magnum 4.0                     1.0 -- 0.0  ECE X3.5 64-bit              
 Alaric 707                     1.0 -- 0.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           
 CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Fridolin 3.10 64-bit         
 Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        1.0 -- 0.0  Trace 1.37a                  
 Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  1.0 -- 0.0  Devel 2.0000                 
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Betsabe II 1.84              
 Minic 0.65 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Dragon 4.6                   
 Glass 2.0 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Gosu 0.16                    
 Coiled 0.6 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  SpiderChess 070603           
 Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         1.0 -- 0.0  LambChop 10.99               
 Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Anatoli 0.35k                
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  DanaSah 7.3                  
 Zarkov 6.55                    0.0 -- 1.0  Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit             
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Gandalf 7 64-bit             
 Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Phalanx XXV                  
 Green Light Chess     0.5 -- 0.5  Djinn 1.021 64-bit           
 Pharaon 3.5.1                  0.5 -- 0.5  AnMon 5.75                   
 RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Ufim 8.02                    
 Chess Tiger 2007.1             0.5 -- 0.5  Amyan 1.72                   
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Rodin 8.0                    
 JikChess 0.02 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  E.T. Chess 13.01.08          
 Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit         
 Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit         
 Colossus 2008b                 1.0 -- 0.0  Hermann 2.8 64-bit           
 Pupsi2 0.09                    0.0 -- 1.0  Dorky 4.8 64-bit             
 Muse 0.953 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Nebula 2.0 64-bit            
 Delfi 5.4                      1.0 -- 0.0  N2 0.4 64-bit                
 BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit             
 Shield 2.1 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Asymptote 0.6 64-bit         
 GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Fruit 2.31                   
 tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit            
 Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit         
 Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Gogobello 2.0 64-bit         
 Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    
 WildCat 8                      0.0 -- 1.0  Cheng 4.39 64-bit            
 WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU      

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Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  48W+  45B+    2.0      2.0     1    +7
  2: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2653  49W+  46B+    2.0      2.0     1    +7
  3: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  50W+  47B+    2.0      2.0     1    +6
  4: Rodin 8.0                      2633  51W+  52B+    2.0      2.0     1    +6
  5: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        3470  67W+  38B+    2.0      1.5     1     0
  6: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              2940  68W+  39B+    2.0      1.5     1    +2
  7: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             2880  69B+  40W+    2.0      1.5     1    +3
  8: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           2750  70B+  41W+    2.0      1.5     1    +5
  9: Delfi 5.4                      2681  72B+  42W+    2.0      1.5     1    +7
 10: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            2830  86W+  34W+    2.0      1.0     2    +4
 11: Colossus 2008b                 2641  87B+  35W+    2.0      1.0     1    +7
 12: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  88B+  36W+    2.0      1.0     1    +6
 13: Delocto 0.6 64bit              2604  89W+  31B+    2.0      1.0     1   +10
 14: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  90B+  32W+    2.0      1.0     1   +10
 15: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           2599  91W+  33B+    2.0      1.0     1    +9
 16: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           2531  54B+  25W=    1.5      2.5     1    +8
 17: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           2838  77W+  19B=    1.5      2.0     1    -1
 18: Gandalf 7 64-bit               2626  21B=  78B+    1.5      2.0     0    +1
 19: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  79B+  17W=    1.5      2.0     1    +6
 20: Minic 0.65 64-bit              2602  22B=  80W+    1.5      2.0     1     0
 21: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462  18W=  75B+    1.5      2.0     1    +9
 22: Gosu 0.16                      2384  20W=  76B+    1.5      2.0     1   +11
 23: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  43B=  71W+    1.5      1.5     1    +1
 24: Phalanx XXV                    2646  44W=  73B+    1.5      1.5     1    +2
 25: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  92W+  16B=    1.5      1.5     1    +2
 26: Betsabe II 1.84                2543  37W=  74B+    1.5      1.5     1    +5
 27: DanaSah 7.3                    2618  63B=  64B+    1.5      1.0     0    +1
 28: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  64W=  63W+    1.5      1.0     2    +1
 29: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  65B=  66W+    1.5      1.0     1     0
 30: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2611  66B=  65W+    1.5      1.0     1     0
 31: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       2780  59B+  13W-    1.0      3.0     1    -5
 32: Fruit 2.31                     2763  60W+  14B-    1.0      3.0     1    -5
 33: Shield 2.1 64-bit              2752  61B+  15W-    1.0      3.0     1    -4
 34: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           2609  62W+  10B-    1.0      3.0     1     0
 35: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541  57W+  11B-    1.0      3.0     1    +4
 36: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517  58W+  12B-    1.0      3.0     1    +4
 37: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  26B=  56W=    1.0      2.5     1    -4
 38: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          2633  81B+   5W-    1.0      2.5     1    +3
 39: WildCat 8                      2628  82B+   6W-    1.0      2.5     1    +2
 40: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  83W+   7B-    1.0      2.5     1    +1
 41: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  84B+   8B-    1.0      2.5     0    -1
 42: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  85W+   9B-    1.0      2.5     1    -2
 43: AnMon 5.75                     2540  23W=  53B=    1.0      2.5     1    +4
 44: Green Light Chess     2508  24B=  55W=    1.0      2.5     1    +4
 45: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  96B+   1W-    1.0      2.0     1    -2
 46: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  93B+   2W-    1.0      2.0     1    +4
 47: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514  94B+   3W-    1.0      2.0     1    +4
 48: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2513   1B-  96W+    1.0      2.0     1     0
 49: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509   2B-  93W+    1.0      2.0     1    +5
 50: Magnum 4.0                     2486   3B-  94W+    1.0      2.0     1    +4
 51: Tao 5.6                        2483   4B-  95W+    1.0      2.0     1    +4
 52: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            2436  95B+   4W-    1.0      2.0     1    +5
 53: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  71B=  43W=    1.0      1.5     1    -4
 54: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           2672  16W-  92B+    1.0      1.5     1    -4
 55: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             2665  73W=  44B=    1.0      1.5     1    -4
 56: Amyan 1.72                     2599  74W=  37B=    1.0      1.5     1    -1
 57: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  35B-  87W+    1.0      1.0     1    -5
 58: Alaric 707                     2664  36B-  88W+    1.0      1.0     1    -4
 59: Petir 4.9                      2565  31W-  89B+    1.0      1.0     1    +1
 60: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  32B-  90W+    1.0      1.0     1    +1
 61: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  33W-  91B+    1.0      1.0     1     0
 62: Nemeton 1.81                   2423  34B-  86W+    1.0      1.0     1    +4
 63: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  27W=  28B-    0.5      3.0     1    -1
 64: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           2451  28B=  27W-    0.5      3.0     1    -1
 65: SpiderChess 070603             2437  29W=  30B-    0.5      3.0     1     0
 66: LambChop 10.99                 2434  30W=  29B-    0.5      3.0     1     0
 67: K2 0.91                        2588   5B-  81W=    0.5      2.5     1    -1
 68: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577   6B-  82W=    0.5      2.5     1    -2
 69: SOS 5.1                        2576   7W-  83B=    0.5      2.5     1    -3
 70: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551   8W-  84B=    0.5      2.5     1    -5
 71: Ufim 8.02                      2536  53W=  23B-    0.5      2.5     1    -1
 72: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535   9W-  85B=    0.5      2.5     1    -5
 73: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           2530  55B=  24W-    0.5      2.5     1    -2
 74: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            2382  56B=  26W-    0.5      2.5     1     0
 75: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  78W=  21W-    0.5      2.0     2    -9
 76: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  80B=  22W-    0.5      2.0     1   -10
 77: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573  17B-  79W=    0.5      2.0     1    -4
 78: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       2463  75B=  18W-    0.5      2.0     1    -1
 79: Ares 64-bit          2432  19W-  77B=    0.5      2.0     1    -1
 80: Dragon 4.6                     2418  76W=  20B-    0.5      2.0     1     0
 81: Gothmog 1.0b10                 2479  38W-  67B=    0.5      1.5     1    -1
 82: Xpdnt 091007                   2469  39W-  68B=    0.5      1.5     1    -1
 83: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  40B-  69W=    0.5      1.5     1    -1
 84: Terra 3.4                      2365  41W-  70W=    0.5      1.5     2     0
 85: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            2357  42B-  72W=    0.5      1.5     1     0
 86: Aristarch 4.50                 2568  10B-  62B-    0.0      3.0     0    -9
 87: Trace 1.37a                    2507  11W-  57B-    0.0      3.0     1    -6
 88: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  12W-  58B-    0.0      3.0     1    -6
 89: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  13B-  59W-    0.0      3.0     1    -5
 90: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  14W-  60B-    0.0      3.0     1    -5
 91: Comet B68                      2377  15B-  61W-    0.0      3.0     1    -5
 92: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  25B-  54W-    0.0      2.5     1    -6
 93: Devel 2.0000                   2738  46W-  49B-    0.0      2.0     1   -15
 94: ECE X3.5 64-bit                2661  47W-  50B-    0.0      2.0     1   -14
 95: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  52W-  51B-    0.0      2.0     1   -14
 96: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            2336  45W-  48B-    0.0      2.0     1    -5

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 ------------------ ROUND 3. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           ----   Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit             
   2: Ruffian 2.1.0                 ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit          
   3: ECE X3.5 64-bit               ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit               
   4: Trace 1.37a                   ----   Devel 2.0000                     
   5: Aristarch 4.50                ----   CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit            
   6: Comet B68                     ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit              
   7: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit          ----   Terra 3.4                        
   8: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit        ----   Viper 0.1 64-bit                 
   9: Xpdnt 091007                  ----   Ufim 8.02                        
  10: Ghost 3.1 64-bit              ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                   
  11: Dragon 4.6                    ----   SOS 5.1                          
  12: Pseudo 0.7c                   ----   Ares 64-bit            
  13: K2 0.91                       ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit         
  14: LambChop 10.99                ----   Maverick 1.5 64-bit              
  15: Glass 2.0 64-bit              ----   SpiderChess 070603               
  16: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          ----   Zarkov 6.55                      
  17: Anatoli 0.35k                 ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit              
  18: Nemeton 1.81                  ----   Pupsi2 0.09                      
  19: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit         ----   Muse 0.953 64-bit                
  20: Green Light Chess    ----   Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit      
  21: Petir 4.9                     ----   AnMon 5.75                       
  22: N2 0.4 64-bit                 ----   Alaric 707                       
  23: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              ----   Chessmaster 11 Paralyse          
  24: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     ----   Amyan 1.72                       
  25: WildCat 8                     ----   Djinn 1.021 64-bit               
  26: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit          ----   WyldChess 1.51 64-bit            
  27: Chess Tiger 2007.1            ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                    
  28: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit          ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit              
  29: Hermann 2.8 64-bit            ----   Tao 5.6                          
  30: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit          ----   Magnum 4.0                       
  31: Shield 2.1 64-bit             ----   Little Goliath Evolution 3.12    
  32: Fruit 2.31                    ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                 
  33: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit      ----   JikChess 0.02 64-bit             
  34: Gosu 0.16                     ----   Coiled 0.6 64-bit                
  35: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1        ----   Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit                 
  36: Minic 0.65 64-bit             ----   Sloppy 0.23 64-bit               
  37: DanaSah 7.3                   ----   Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit             
  38: Gandalf 7 64-bit              ----   Betsabe II 1.84                  
  39: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit          ----   Gogobello 2.0 64-bit             
  40: Phalanx XXV                   ----   Nameless 1.4r 64-bit             
  41: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit        ----   Asymptote 0.6 64-bit             
  42: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit         ----   Gaviota 1.0 64-bit               
  43: Cheng 4.39 64-bit             ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit                
  44: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU       ----   Sjakk 2.2 64-bit                 
  45: Colossus 2008b                ----   Rodin 8.0                        
  46: E.T. Chess 13.01.08           ----   Topple 0.6.1 64-bit              
  47: Dorky 4.8 64-bit              ----   Delfi 5.4                        
  48: Nebula 2.0 64-bit             ----   BugChess2 1.9 64-bit             
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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit         
 Ruffian 2.1.0                  1.0 -- 0.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      
 ECE X3.5 64-bit                1.0 -- 0.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           
 Trace 1.37a                    0.5 -- 0.5  Devel 2.0000                 
 Aristarch 4.50                 1.0 -- 0.0  CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit        
 Comet B68                      0.0 -- 1.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          
 Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Terra 3.4                    
 Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Viper 0.1 64-bit             
 Xpdnt 091007                   0.0 -- 1.0  Ufim 8.02                    
 Ghost 3.1 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Gothmog 1.0b10               
 Dragon 4.6                     0.5 -- 0.5  SOS 5.1                      
 Pseudo 0.7c                    1.0 -- 0.0  Ares 64-bit        
 K2 0.91                        0.0 -- 1.0  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     
 LambChop 10.99                 0.5 -- 0.5  Maverick 1.5 64-bit          
 Glass 2.0 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  SpiderChess 070603           
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Zarkov 6.55                  
 Anatoli 0.35k                  1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          
 Nemeton 1.81                   1.0 -- 0.0  Pupsi2 0.09                  
 nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Muse 0.953 64-bit            
 Green Light Chess     0.0 -- 1.0  Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit  
 Petir 4.9                      1.0 -- 0.0  AnMon 5.75                   
 N2 0.4 64-bit                  0.5 -- 0.5  Alaric 707                   
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Chessmaster 11 Paralyse      
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      0.0 -- 1.0  Amyan 1.72                   
 WildCat 8                      0.5 -- 0.5  Djinn 1.021 64-bit           
 Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  WyldChess 1.51 64-bit        
 Chess Tiger 2007.1             1.0 -- 0.0  Pharaon 3.5.1                
 Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit          
 Hermann 2.8 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                      
 NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Magnum 4.0                   
 Shield 2.1 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Little Goliath Evolution 3.12
 Fruit 2.31                     0.5 -- 0.5  Orion 0.5 64-bit             
 tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  JikChess 0.02 64-bit         
 Gosu 0.16                      0.0 -- 1.0  Coiled 0.6 64-bit            
 Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         1.0 -- 0.0  Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit             
 Minic 0.65 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Sloppy 0.23 64-bit           
 DanaSah 7.3                    0.0 -- 1.0  Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit         
 Gandalf 7 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Betsabe II 1.84              
 Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Gogobello 2.0 64-bit         
 Phalanx XXV                    1.0 -- 0.0  Nameless 1.4r 64-bit         
 RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Asymptote 0.6 64-bit         
 GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Gaviota 1.0 64-bit           
 Cheng 4.39 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit            
 Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Sjakk 2.2 64-bit             
 Colossus 2008b                 0.0 -- 1.0  Rodin 8.0                    
 E.T. Chess 13.01.08            0.5 -- 0.5  Topple 0.6.1 64-bit          
 Dorky 4.8 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Delfi 5.4                    
 Nebula 2.0 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  BugChess2 1.9 64-bit         

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Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2     3   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              2940  50W+  40B+  24W+    3.0      5.0     2    +4
  2: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           2750  71B+  38W+  17B+    3.0      4.5     1    +9
  3: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        3470  83W+  37B+  23W+    3.0      4.0     2     0
  4: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             2880  67B+  61W+  25B+    3.0      4.0     1    +5
  5: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2653  70W+  68B+  22W+    3.0      4.0     2   +12
  6: Rodin 8.0                      2633  63W+  65B+  18B+    3.0      4.0     1   +11
  7: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           2838  77W+  11B=  48B+    2.5      5.0     1    +1
  8: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            2830  75W+  34W+   9B=    2.5      5.0     2    +2
  9: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  43W+  69B+   8W=    2.5      5.0     2    +9
 10: Gandalf 7 64-bit               2626  33B=  46B+  42W+    2.5      4.5     1    +5
 11: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  85B+   7W=  44B+    2.5      4.5     1   +11
 12: Minic 0.65 64-bit              2602  35B=  76W+  45W+    2.5      4.0     2    +5
 13: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           2599  93W+  20B+  21B=    2.5      4.0     1   +10
 14: Phalanx XXV                    2646  62W=  73B+  39W+    2.5      3.5     2    +5
 15: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  64B=  66W+  33W+    2.5      3.5     2    +3
 16: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2611  66B=  64W+  35B+    2.5      3.5     1    +3
 17: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  51W+  49B+   2W-    2.0      6.0     2    +4
 18: Colossus 2008b                 2641  90B+  27W+   6W-    2.0      5.5     2    +2
 19: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       2780  32B+  24W-  69W+    2.0      5.0     2    -3
 20: Shield 2.1 64-bit              2752  55B+  13W-  70W+    2.0      5.0     2    -2
 21: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  72B=  56W+  13W=    2.0      5.0     2     0
 22: Delfi 5.4                      2681  84B+  41W+   5B-    2.0      5.0     1    +1
 23: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  95B+  28W+   3B-    2.0      5.0     1    +6
 24: Delocto 0.6 64bit              2604  94W+  19B+   1B-    2.0      5.0     1    +9
 25: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  89B+  36W+   4W-    2.0      5.0     2    +8
 26: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  42B=  29W=  74W+    2.0      4.5     2    +1
 27: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541  47W+  18B-  63W+    2.0      4.5     2    +8
 28: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517  53W+  23B-  65W+    2.0      4.5     2    +8
 29: Amyan 1.72                     2599  86W=  26B=  61B+    2.0      3.5     1    +4
 30: Nemeton 1.81                   2423  34B-  75W+  68W+    2.0      3.5     2   +11
 31: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  36B-  89W+  62B+    2.0      3.0     1    +5
 32: Petir 4.9                      2565  19W-  94B+  72W+    2.0      3.0     2    +5
 33: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462  10W=  54B+  15B-    1.5      6.5     1    +6
 34: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           2609  30W+   8B-  43W=    1.5      6.0     2    -1
 35: Gosu 0.16                      2384  12W=  78B+  16W-    1.5      6.0     2    +9
 36: Fruit 2.31                     2763  31W+  25B-  51W=    1.5      5.5     2    -8
 37: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          2633  80B+   3W-  58B=    1.5      5.5     1    +3
 38: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  79B+   2B-  47W=    1.5      5.5     1    +1
 39: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           2531  58B+  48W=  14B-    1.5      5.5     1    +5
 40: WildCat 8                      2628  87B+   1W-  52W=    1.5      5.0     2    +2
 41: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  60W+  22B-  53W=    1.5      5.0     2    -1
 42: Betsabe II 1.84                2543  26W=  86B+  10B-    1.5      5.0     1    +1
 43: Magnum 4.0                     2486   9B-  81W+  34B=    1.5      5.0     1    +6
 44: DanaSah 7.3                    2618  57B=  88B+  11W-    1.5      4.5     1    -4
 45: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  88W=  57W+  12B-    1.5      4.5     2    -4
 46: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       2463  54B=  10W-  83B+    1.5      4.5     1    +6
 47: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  27B-  90W+  38B=    1.5      4.0     1    -6
 48: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  96W+  39B=   7W-    1.5      4.0     2    -1
 49: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  91B+  17W-  55B=    1.5      4.0     1    -3
 50: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577   1B-  87W=  85W+    1.5      4.0     2    +1
 51: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2513  17B-  91W+  36B=    1.5      4.0     1    +3
 52: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             2665  73W=  62B=  40B=    1.5      3.5     1    -4
 53: Alaric 707                     2664  28B-  95W+  41B=    1.5      3.5     1    -5
 54: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  46W=  33W-  88B+    1.5      3.5     2    -7
 55: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  20W-  93B+  49W=    1.5      3.5     2    +1
 56: Ufim 8.02                      2536  74W=  21B-  87B+    1.5      3.5     1    +3
 57: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  44W=  45B-  86W+    1.5      3.5     2    +3
 58: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           2672  39W-  96B+  37W=    1.5      3.0     2    -5
 59: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  61B-  67W=  84B+    1.5      2.5     1    +5
 60: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            2357  41B-  84W=  93B+    1.5      2.0     1    +6
 61: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  59W+   4B-  29W-    1.0      6.5     2    -4
 62: Green Light Chess     2508  14B=  52W=  31W-    1.0      6.0     2     0
 63: Tao 5.6                        2483   6B-  82W+  27B-    1.0      6.0     1     0
 64: SpiderChess 070603             2437  15W=  16B-  78B=    1.0      6.0     1    +2
 65: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            2436  82B+   6W-  28B-    1.0      6.0     1    +1
 66: LambChop 10.99                 2434  16W=  15B-  77W=    1.0      6.0     2    +2
 67: SOS 5.1                        2576   4W-  59B=  76B=    1.0      5.5     1    -5
 68: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  92B+   5W-  30B-    1.0      5.5     1    -3
 69: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514  81B+   9W-  19B-    1.0      5.5     1    +2
 70: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509   5B-  92W+  20B-    1.0      5.5     1    +3
 71: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551   2W-  79B=  80W=    1.0      5.0     2    -6
 72: AnMon 5.75                     2540  21W=  74B=  32B-    1.0      5.0     1    -1
 73: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           2530  52B=  14W-  79W=    1.0      5.0     2    -4
 74: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  56B=  72W=  26B-    1.0      4.5     1    -9
 75: Aristarch 4.50                 2568   8B-  30B-  96W+    1.0      4.5     1    -5
 76: Dragon 4.6                     2418  78W=  12B-  67W=    1.0      4.5     2    +2
 77: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573   7B-  85W=  66B=    1.0      4.0     1    -6
 78: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  76B=  35W-  64W=    1.0      3.5     2   -12
 79: Terra 3.4                      2365  38W-  71W=  73B=    1.0      3.5     2    +3
 80: Gothmog 1.0b10                 2479  37W-  83B=  71B=    1.0      3.0     1     0
 81: ECE X3.5 64-bit                2661  69W-  43B-  95W+    1.0      2.5     2   -12
 82: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  65W-  63B-  94W+    1.0      2.0     2   -11
 83: K2 0.91                        2588   3B-  80W=  46W-    0.5      5.5     2    -8
 84: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535  22W-  60B=  59W-    0.5      5.0     2   -11
 85: Ares 64-bit          2432  11W-  77B=  50B-    0.5      5.0     1    -4
 86: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            2382  29B=  42W-  57B-    0.5      5.0     1    -4
 87: Xpdnt 091007                   2469  40W-  50B=  56W-    0.5      4.5     2    -5
 88: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           2451  45B=  44W-  54W-    0.5      4.5     2    -3
 89: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  25W-  31B-  91B=    0.5      4.5     1    -6
 90: Trace 1.37a                    2507  18W-  47B-  92W=    0.5      4.0     2    -3
 91: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            2336  49W-  51B-  89W=    0.5      3.5     2    -4
 92: Devel 2.0000                   2738  68W-  70B-  90B=    0.5      2.5     1   -18
 93: Comet B68                      2377  13B-  55W-  60W-    0.0      5.5     2   -10
 94: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  24B-  32W-  82B-    0.0      5.0     1    -8
 95: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  23W-  53B-  81B-    0.0      4.5     1    -8
 96: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  48B-  58W-  75B-    0.0      4.0     1   -10

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 4. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       ----   CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit            
   2: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            ----   Comet B68                        
   3: Devel 2.0000                  ----   Xpdnt 091007                     
   4: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit              
   5: Ares 64-bit         ----   Trace 1.37a                      
   6: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit          ----   Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit           
   7: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          ----   K2 0.91                          
   8: AnMon 5.75                    ----   ECE X3.5 64-bit                  
   9: Ruffian 2.1.0                 ----   Ghost 3.1 64-bit                 
  10: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12 ----   Terra 3.4                        
  11: JikChess 0.02 64-bit          ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                   
  12: Pupsi2 0.09                   ----   Glass 2.0 64-bit                 
  13: SOS 5.1                       ----   Maverick 1.5 64-bit              
  14: Aristarch 4.50                ----   LambChop 10.99                   
  15: Tao 5.6                       ----   Dragon 4.6                       
  16: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit          ----   Green Light Chess       
  17: Pharaon 3.5.1                 ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)        
  18: Orion 0.5 64-bit              ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit              
  19: SpiderChess 070603            ----   Pseudo 0.7c                      
  20: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           ----   Sloppy 0.23 64-bit               
  21: Viper 0.1 64-bit              ----   DanaSah 7.3                      
  22: Magnum 4.0                    ----   Fridolin 3.10 64-bit             
  23: Betsabe II 1.84               ----   Anatoli 0.35k                    
  24: Ufim 8.02                     ----   N2 0.4 64-bit                    
  25: Alaric 707                    ----   WildCat 8                        
  26: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit          ----   nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit            
  27: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              ----   Zarkov 6.55                      
  28: Djinn 1.021 64-bit            ----   WyldChess 1.51 64-bit            
  29: Muse 0.953 64-bit             ----   Fruit 2.31                       
  30: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse       ----   Gosu 0.16                        
  31: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit          ----   NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit             
  32: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit              ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit         
  33: Delocto 0.6 64bit             ----   Petir 4.9                        
  34: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit   ----   Sjakk 2.2 64-bit                 
  35: Delfi 5.4                     ----   Nemeton 1.81                     
  36: Amyan 1.72                    ----   RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit           
  37: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit          ----   Shield 2.1 64-bit                
  38: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit      ----   Hermann 2.8 64-bit               
  39: Colossus 2008b                ----   Chess Tiger 2007.1               
  40: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit         ----   Nebula 2.0 64-bit                
  41: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit          ----   Coiled 0.6 64-bit                
  42: Gandalf 7 64-bit              ----   Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1           
  43: Phalanx XXV                   ----   E.T. Chess 13.01.08              
  44: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit          ----   Topple 0.6.1 64-bit              
  45: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit          ----   Minic 0.65 64-bit                
  46: Rodin 8.0                     ----   Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU          
  47: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit          ----   Dorky 4.8 64-bit                 
  48: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit            ----   Cheng 4.39 64-bit               
*** Round 4 will be played next Monday. Thanks ***
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit        
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                    
 Devel 2.0000                   1.0 -- 0.0  Xpdnt 091007                 
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          
 Ares 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Trace 1.37a                  
 Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit       
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  K2 0.91                      
 AnMon 5.75                     0.5 -- 0.5  ECE X3.5 64-bit              
 Ruffian 2.1.0                  0.5 -- 0.5  Ghost 3.1 64-bit             
 Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  1.0 -- 0.0  Terra 3.4                    
 JikChess 0.02 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Gothmog 1.0b10               
 Pupsi2 0.09                    1.0 -- 0.0  Glass 2.0 64-bit             
 SOS 5.1                        0.5 -- 0.5  Maverick 1.5 64-bit          
 Aristarch 4.50                 1.0 -- 0.0  LambChop 10.99               
 Tao 5.6                        1.0 -- 0.0  Dragon 4.6                   
 Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Green Light Chess   
 Pharaon 3.5.1                  0.5 -- 0.5  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    
 Orion 0.5 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  MadChess 2.2 64-bit          
 SpiderChess 070603             0.5 -- 0.5  Pseudo 0.7c                  
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Sloppy 0.23 64-bit           
 Viper 0.1 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  DanaSah 7.3                  
 Magnum 4.0                     0.0 -- 1.0  Fridolin 3.10 64-bit         
 Betsabe II 1.84                1.0 -- 0.0  Anatoli 0.35k                
 Ufim 8.02                      0.0 -- 1.0  N2 0.4 64-bit                
 Alaric 707                     0.5 -- 0.5  WildCat 8                    
 Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit        
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Zarkov 6.55                  
 Djinn 1.021 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  WyldChess 1.51 64-bit        
 Muse 0.953 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Fruit 2.31                   
 Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        1.0 -- 0.0  Gosu 0.16                    
 Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit         
 Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     
 Delocto 0.6 64bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Petir 4.9                    
 Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    0.0 -- 1.0  Sjakk 2.2 64-bit             
 Delfi 5.4                      0.5 -- 0.5  Nemeton 1.81                 
 Amyan 1.72                     1.0 -- 0.0  RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit       
 Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Shield 2.1 64-bit            
 tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Hermann 2.8 64-bit           
 Colossus 2008b                 0.5 -- 0.5  Chess Tiger 2007.1           
 GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Nebula 2.0 64-bit            
 Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Coiled 0.6 64-bit            
 Gandalf 7 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1       
 Phalanx XXV                    0.5 -- 0.5  E.T. Chess 13.01.08          
 Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Topple 0.6.1 64-bit          
 Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Minic 0.65 64-bit            
 Rodin 8.0                      0.5 -- 0.5  Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU      
 BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Dorky 4.8 64-bit             
 Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Cheng 4.39 64-bit            

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2     3     4   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           2750  68B+  22W+  19B+   7W+    4.0      9.5     2   +13
  2: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              2940  53W+  44B+  37W+  10B+    4.0      9.0     2    +8
  3: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        3470  84W+  41B+  13W+   5B=    3.5      9.5     2    -5
  4: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            2830  48W+  39W+   9B=  30B+    3.5      9.5     2    +4
  5: Rodin 8.0                      2633  52W+  60B+  26B+   3W=    3.5      9.5     2   +16
  6: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  70B+   8W=  47B+  31W+    3.5      9.0     2   +16
  7: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2653  51W+  49B+  21W+   1B-    3.0     10.5     2    +8
  8: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           2838  72W+   6B=  43B+  15W=    3.0     10.0     2    -2
  9: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  61W+  45B+   4W=  14B=    3.0     10.0     2    +9
 10: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             2880  67B+  59W+  27B+   2W-    3.0      9.5     2    +1
 11: Gandalf 7 64-bit               2626  40B=  54B+  33W+  16W=    3.0      9.5     2    +4
 12: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       2780  18B+  37W-  45W+  38W+    3.0      9.0     3    -1
 13: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  88B+  24W+   3B-  56B+    3.0      9.0     1   +10
 14: Phalanx XXV                    2646  81W=  57B+  23W+   9W=    3.0      8.5     3    +5
 15: Minic 0.65 64-bit              2602  62B=  85W+  35W+   8B=    3.0      8.0     2    +8
 16: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  63B=  82W+  40W+  11B=    3.0      7.5     2    +4
 17: Amyan 1.72                     2599  91W=  20B=  59B+  42W+    3.0      6.5     2   +10
 18: Petir 4.9                      2565  12W-  95B+  65W+  37B+    3.0      6.5     2   +11
 19: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  50W+  64B+   1W-  27B=    2.5     10.0     2    +3
 20: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  33B=  17W=  71W+  26B=    2.5      9.5     2     0
 21: Delfi 5.4                      2681  75B+  32W+   7B-  28W=    2.5      9.5     2    -2
 22: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  83B+   1B-  36W=  66W+    2.5      9.0     2    +6
 23: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           2531  34B+  43W=  14B-  73W+    2.5      9.0     2   +10
 24: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517  46W+  13B-  60W+  25W=    2.5      9.0     3   +10
 25: Shield 2.1 64-bit              2752  73B+  30W-  51W+  24B=    2.5      8.5     2    -5
 26: Colossus 2008b                 2641  92B+  38W+   5W-  20W=    2.5      8.5     3    +3
 27: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  93B+  29W+  10W-  19W=    2.5      8.5     3    +9
 28: Nemeton 1.81                   2423  39B-  48W+  49W+  21B=    2.5      8.5     2   +14
 29: Fruit 2.31                     2763  56W+  27B-  50W=  64B+    2.5      8.0     2    -5
 30: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           2599  96W+  25B+  42B=   4W-    2.5      8.0     2    +8
 31: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2611  82B=  63W+  62B+   6B-    2.5      7.5     1    -2
 32: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  76W+  21B-  46W=  74B+    2.5      7.5     2    +4
 33: Betsabe II 1.84                2543  20W=  91B+  11B-  69W+    2.5      7.5     2    +5
 34: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           2672  23W-  87B+  41W=  61B+    2.5      7.0     2    -2
 35: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  86W=  69W+  15B-  76B+    2.5      7.0     2    -3
 36: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  38B-  92W+  22B=  62W+    2.5      6.5     2    -5
 37: Delocto 0.6 64bit              2604  95W+  12B+   2B-  18W-    2.0     10.0     2    +3
 38: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541  36W+  26B-  52W+  12B-    2.0     10.0     2    +6
 39: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           2609  28W+   4B-  61W=  43B=    2.0      9.5     2    -1
 40: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462  11W=  66B+  16B-  54W=    2.0      9.5     2    +6
 41: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          2633  89B+   3W-  34B=  55B=    2.0      9.0     1    +4
 42: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  65B=  74W+  30W=  17B-    2.0      8.5     2    -6
 43: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  87W+  23B=   8W-  39W=    2.0      8.5     3    -1
 44: WildCat 8                      2628  94B+   2W-  55W=  46B=    2.0      8.5     2    +3
 45: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514  77B+   9W-  12B-  89W+    2.0      8.5     2    +6
 46: Alaric 707                     2664  24B-  88W+  32B=  44W=    2.0      8.0     2    -6
 47: DanaSah 7.3                    2618  69B=  86B+   6W-  58B=    2.0      8.0     1    -6
 48: Aristarch 4.50                 2568   4B-  28B-  87W+  82W+    2.0      8.0     2    -1
 49: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  78B+   7W-  28B-  90W+    2.0      8.0     2    +3
 50: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2513  19B-  80W+  29B=  60W=    2.0      8.0     2    +2
 51: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509   7B-  78W+  25B-  83W+    2.0      8.0     2    +6
 52: Tao 5.6                        2483   5B-  79W+  38B-  85W+    2.0      8.0     2    +4
 53: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577   2B-  94W=  70W+  63B=    2.0      7.5     2    -1
 54: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       2463  66B=  11W-  84B+  40B=    2.0      7.5     1    +6
 55: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             2665  57W=  81B=  44B=  41W=    2.0      7.0     2    -5
 56: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  29B-  93W+  81B+  13W-    2.0      7.0     2    +1
 57: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           2530  55B=  14W-  83W=  81W+    2.0      7.0     3    +1
 58: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  59B-  67W=  75B+  47W=    2.0      6.5     2    +7
 59: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  58W+  10B-  17W-  71B=    1.5      9.5     2    -4
 60: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            2436  79B+   5W-  24B-  50B=    1.5      9.5     1    +2
 61: Magnum 4.0                     2486   9B-  77W+  39B=  34W-    1.5      9.0     2    +3
 62: Gosu 0.16                      2384  15W=  90B+  31W-  36B-    1.5      9.0     2    +7
 63: SpiderChess 070603             2437  16W=  31B-  90B=  53W=    1.5      8.5     2    +4
 64: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  80B+  19W-  73B=  29W-    1.5      8.0     2    -5
 65: AnMon 5.75                     2540  42W=  71B=  18B-  77W=    1.5      8.0     2    +1
 66: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  54W=  40W-  86B+  22B-    1.5      7.5     2   -12
 67: SOS 5.1                        2576  10W-  58B=  85B=  72W=    1.5      7.5     2    -5
 68: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551   1W-  83B=  89W=  79B=    1.5      7.5     2    -5
 69: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  47W=  35B-  91W+  33B-    1.5      7.5     2    -1
 70: Ares 64-bit          2432   6W-  72B=  53B-  92W+    1.5      7.5     2    +2
 71: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  74B=  65W=  20B-  59W=    1.5      7.0     2    -9
 72: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573   8B-  70W=  82B=  67B=    1.5      7.0     1    -6
 73: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  25W-  96B+  64W=  23B-    1.5      6.5     2    -5
 74: Ufim 8.02                      2536  71W=  42B-  94B+  32W-    1.5      6.5     2    -1
 75: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535  21W-  76B=  58W-  93B+    1.5      6.5     2    -8
 76: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            2357  32B-  75W=  96B+  35W-    1.5      6.5     2    +4
 77: ECE X3.5 64-bit                2661  45W-  61B-  88W+  65B=    1.5      6.0     2   -13
 78: Devel 2.0000                   2738  49W-  51B-  92B=  94W+    1.5      5.0     2   -17
 79: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  60W-  52B-  95W+  68W=    1.5      5.0     3   -12
 80: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            2336  64W-  50B-  93W=  91B+    1.5      4.5     2    +2
 81: Green Light Chess     2508  14B=  55W=  56W-  57B-    1.0      9.0     2    -5
 82: LambChop 10.99                 2434  31W=  16B-  72W=  48B-    1.0      9.0     2    -2
 83: Terra 3.4                      2365  22W-  68W=  57B=  51B-    1.0      8.0     2    -1
 84: K2 0.91                        2588   3B-  89W=  54W-  86B=    1.0      7.5     2   -10
 85: Dragon 4.6                     2418  90W=  15B-  67W=  52B-    1.0      7.5     2    -2
 86: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           2451  35B=  47W-  66W-  84W=    1.0      7.0     3    -1
 87: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  43B-  34W-  48B-  95B+    1.0      6.5     1    -6
 88: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  13W-  46B-  77B-  96W+    1.0      6.5     2    -5
 89: Gothmog 1.0b10                 2479  41W-  84B=  68B=  45B-    1.0      6.5     1    -5
 90: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  85B=  62W-  63W=  49B-    1.0      6.0     2   -18
 91: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            2382  17B=  33W-  69B-  80W-    0.5      8.5     2   -10
 92: Trace 1.37a                    2507  26W-  36B-  78W=  70B-    0.5      8.0     2    -9
 93: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  27W-  56B-  80B=  75W-    0.5      7.5     2   -10
 94: Xpdnt 091007                   2469  44W-  53B=  74W-  78B-    0.5      7.0     2    -7
 95: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  37B-  18W-  79B-  87W-    0.0      7.5     2   -12
 96: Comet B68                      2377  30B-  73W-  76W-  88B-    0.0      6.5     2   -14

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 ------------------ ROUND 5. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       ----   Comet B68                        
   2: Trace 1.37a                   ----   Xpdnt 091007                     
   3: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit          ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit              
   4: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            ----   Dragon 4.6                       
   5: K2 0.91                       ----   Glass 2.0 64-bit                 
   6: Gothmog 1.0b10                ----   Terra 3.4                        
   7: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit         ----   LambChop 10.99                   
   8: Green Light Chess    ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit             
   9: Anatoli 0.35k                 ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                    
  10: Ghost 3.1 64-bit              ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit              
  11: Devel 2.0000                  ----   SOS 5.1                          
  12: Zarkov 6.55                   ----   ECE X3.5 64-bit                  
  13: AnMon 5.75                    ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit              
  14: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit        ----   Muse 0.953 64-bit                
  15: Ufim 8.02                     ----   SpiderChess 070603               
  16: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit         ----   Gosu 0.16                        
  17: Maverick 1.5 64-bit           ----   Magnum 4.0                       
  18: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                    
  19: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     ----   Ares 64-bit            
  20: DanaSah 7.3                   ----   Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit             
  21: Viper 0.1 64-bit              ----   Alaric 707                       
  22: JikChess 0.02 64-bit          ----   Djinn 1.021 64-bit               
  23: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit   ----   WildCat 8                        
  24: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      ----   Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit             
  25: Pseudo 0.7c                   ----   RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit           
  26: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit         ----   Tao 5.6                          
  27: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit              ----   Little Goliath Evolution 3.12    
  28: Orion 0.5 64-bit              ----   NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit             
  29: Pupsi2 0.09                   ----   Hermann 2.8 64-bit               
  30: Delocto 0.6 64bit             ----   Aristarch 4.50                   
  31: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse       ----   GarboChess 3.0 64-bit            
  32: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit            ----   Colossus 2008b                   
  33: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit          ----   Shield 2.1 64-bit                
  34: Betsabe II 1.84               ----   Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit             
  35: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit          ----   N2 0.4 64-bit                    
  36: Coiled 0.6 64-bit             ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                 
  37: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit          ----   Delfi 5.4                        
  38: Fruit 2.31                    ----   Chess Tiger 2007.1               
  39: Nemeton 1.81                  ----   Nebula 2.0 64-bit                
  40: Amyan 1.72                    ----   tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit         
  41: Petir 4.9                     ----   Gandalf 7 64-bit                 
  42: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1        ----   Gaviota 1.0 64-bit               
  43: Minic 0.65 64-bit             ----   E.T. Chess 13.01.08              
  44: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit          ----   Phalanx XXV                      
  45: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit              ----   Dorky 4.8 64-bit                 
  46: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit          ----   Rodin 8.0                        
  47: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit           ----   Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU          
  48: Cheng 4.39 64-bit             ----   BugChess2 1.9 64-bit             
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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                    
 Trace 1.37a                    0.0 -- 1.0  Xpdnt 091007                 
 Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Dragon 4.6                   
 K2 0.91                        0.0 -- 1.0  Glass 2.0 64-bit             
 Gothmog 1.0b10                 1.0 -- 0.0  Terra 3.4                    
 CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  LambChop 10.99               
 Green Light Chess     1.0 -- 0.0  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         
 Anatoli 0.35k                  0.5 -- 0.5  Ruffian 2.1.0                
 Ghost 3.1 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          
 Devel 2.0000                   0.5 -- 0.5  SOS 5.1                      
 Zarkov 6.55                    1.0 -- 0.0  ECE X3.5 64-bit              
 AnMon 5.75                     0.0 -- 1.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          
 Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Muse 0.953 64-bit            
 Ufim 8.02                      0.5 -- 0.5  SpiderChess 070603           
 nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Gosu 0.16                    
 Maverick 1.5 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Magnum 4.0                   
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Pharaon 3.5.1                
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      1.0 -- 0.0  Ares 64-bit        
 DanaSah 7.3                    0.5 -- 0.5  Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit         
 Viper 0.1 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Alaric 707                   
 JikChess 0.02 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Djinn 1.021 64-bit           
 Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    0.0 -- 1.0  WildCat 8                    
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       0.5 -- 0.5  Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit         
 Pseudo 0.7c                    0.5 -- 0.5  RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit       
 WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                      
 Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Little Goliath Evolution 3.12
 Orion 0.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit         
 Pupsi2 0.09                    0.5 -- 0.5  Hermann 2.8 64-bit           
 Delocto 0.6 64bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Aristarch 4.50               
 Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        1.0 -- 0.0  GarboChess 3.0 64-bit        
 Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Colossus 2008b               
 Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Shield 2.1 64-bit            
 Betsabe II 1.84                0.5 -- 0.5  Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit         
 Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  N2 0.4 64-bit                
 Coiled 0.6 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit             
 Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Delfi 5.4                    
 Fruit 2.31                     1.0 -- 0.0  Chess Tiger 2007.1           
 Nemeton 1.81                   0.5 -- 0.5  Nebula 2.0 64-bit            
 Amyan 1.72                     0.0 -- 1.0  tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit     
 Petir 4.9                      0.0 -- 1.0  Gandalf 7 64-bit             
 Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         0.0 -- 1.0  Gaviota 1.0 64-bit           
 Minic 0.65 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  E.T. Chess 13.01.08          
 Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Phalanx XXV                  
 Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Dorky 4.8 64-bit             
 Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Rodin 8.0                    
 Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU      
 Cheng 4.39 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  BugChess2 1.9 64-bit         

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Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2     3     4     5   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              2940  49W+  24B+  37W+   5B+   4W+    5.0     16.0     3   +10
  2: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        3470  89W+  27B+  14W+   3B=  11B+    4.5     15.5     2    -5
  3: Rodin 8.0                      2633  62W+  44B+  26B+   2W=  10B+    4.5     15.5     2   +20
  4: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           2750  55B+  40W+  22B+  12W+   1B-    4.0     16.5     2   +10
  5: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             2880  67B+  52W+  38B+   1W-  25B+    4.0     15.0     2    +3
  6: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           2838  72W+  10B=  46B+   9W=  23W+    4.0     15.0     3    +1
  7: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       2780  28B+  37W-  31W+  39W+  34B+    4.0     14.0     3    +1
  8: Gandalf 7 64-bit               2626  41B=  51B+  35W+  25W=  28B+    4.0     14.0     2    +9
  9: Minic 0.65 64-bit              2602  79B=  71W+  30W+   6B=  20W+    4.0     13.5     3   +14
 10: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  83B+   6W=  54B+  18W+   3W-    3.5     16.0     3   +11
 11: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            2830  53W+  61W+  20B=  16B+   2W-    3.5     15.5     3    +4
 12: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2653  50W+  47B+  36W+   4B-  14B=    3.5     15.0     2    +8
 13: Shield 2.1 64-bit              2752  60B+  16W-  50W+  21B=  45B+    3.5     14.0     2    -1
 14: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  92B+  21W+   2B-  64B+  12W=    3.5     14.0     2   +11
 15: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  57W+  36B-  29W=  68B+  43B+    3.5     12.5     2    +8
 16: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           2599  96W+  13B+  48B=  11W-  36W+    3.5     12.0     3   +14
 17: Fruit 2.31                     2763  64W+  38B-  32W=  80B+  42W+    3.5     11.5     3    -1
 18: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2611  88B=  65W+  79B+  10B-  40W+    3.5     10.5     2    +2
 19: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  39B-  94W+  40B=  79W+  38W+    3.5      9.5     3    -1
 20: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  69W+  31B+  11W=  23B=   9B-    3.0     15.5     2    +3
 21: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517  29W+  14B-  44W+  13W=  35B=    3.0     15.5     3   +11
 22: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  32W+  80B+   4W-  38B=  33B=    3.0     14.0     2     0
 23: Phalanx XXV                    2646  73W=  56B+  43W+  20W=   6B-    3.0     14.0     3    +2
 24: WildCat 8                      2628  85B+   1W-  63W=  29B=  64B+    3.0     13.5     2    +7
 25: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  65B=  88W+  41W+   8B=   5W-    3.0     13.5     3    +2
 26: Colossus 2008b                 2641  94B+  39W+   3W-  42W=  30B=    3.0     13.0     3    +2
 27: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          2633  74B+   2W-  45B=  63B=  62W+    3.0     13.0     2    +7
 28: Petir 4.9                      2565   7W-  93B+  82W+  37B+   8W-    3.0     13.0     3    +7
 29: Alaric 707                     2664  21B-  92W+  15B=  24W=  66B+    3.0     12.5     2    -3
 30: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  91W=  70W+   9B-  57B+  26W=    3.0     12.5     3    -2
 31: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514  84B+  20W-   7B-  74W+  63W+    3.0     12.5     3   +13
 32: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2513  22B-  87W+  17B=  44W=  61W+    3.0     12.5     3    +8
 33: Nemeton 1.81                   2423  61B-  53W+  47W+  36B=  22W=    3.0     12.5     3   +17
 34: Amyan 1.72                     2599  95W=  42B=  52B+  48W+   7W-    3.0     12.0     3    +8
 35: Betsabe II 1.84                2543  42W=  95B+   8B-  70W+  21W=    3.0     12.0     3    +5
 36: Delfi 5.4                      2681  59B+  15W+  12B-  33W=  16B-    2.5     16.0     2    -8
 37: Delocto 0.6 64bit              2604  93W+   7B+   1B-  28W-  53W=    2.5     15.5     3    +3
 38: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  86B+  17W+   5W-  22W=  19B-    2.5     15.5     3    +5
 39: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541  19W+  26B-  62W+   7B-  47B=    2.5     15.0     2    +6
 40: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  90B+   4B-  19W=  58W+  18B-    2.5     14.5     2    +2
 41: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462   8W=  58B+  25B-  51W=  50W=    2.5     14.5     3    +7
 42: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  35B=  34W=  81W+  26B=  17B-    2.5     14.0     2    -5
 43: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           2531  45B+  46W=  23B-  60W+  15W-    2.5     14.0     3    +6
 44: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            2436  75B+   3W-  21B-  32B=  81W+    2.5     14.0     2   +10
 45: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           2672  43W-  76B+  27W=  69B+  13W-    2.5     13.0     3    -6
 46: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  76W+  43B=   6W-  61W=  51B=    2.5     13.0     3    -3
 47: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  77B+  12W-  33B-  78W+  39W=    2.5     13.0     3    +3
 48: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  82B=  68W+  16W=  34B-  49B=    2.5     12.5     2    -8
 49: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577   1B-  85W=  83W+  65B=  48W=    2.5     12.5     3     0
 50: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509  12B-  77W+  13B-  90W+  41B=    2.5     12.5     2    +5
 51: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       2463  58B=   8W-  89B+  41B=  46W=    2.5     12.5     2    +8
 52: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  66W+   5B-  34W-  81B=  83W+    2.5     12.0     3    -1
 53: Aristarch 4.50                 2568  11B-  33B-  76W+  88W+  37B=    2.5     12.0     2    -1
 54: DanaSah 7.3                    2618  70B=  91B+  10W-  66B=  56W=    2.5     11.0     2    -8
 55: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551   4W-  90B=  74W=  75B=  87W+    2.5     10.5     3    -3
 56: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           2530  63B=  23W-  90W=  73W+  54B=    2.5     10.5     3    +2
 57: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            2357  15B-  59W=  96B+  30W-  82B+    2.5     10.5     2   +11
 58: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  51W=  41W-  91B+  40B-  84W+    2.5     10.0     3    -7
 59: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535  36W-  57B=  66W-  86B+  80W+    2.5     10.0     3    -2
 60: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  13W-  96B+  80W=  43B-  79W+    2.5      9.0     3    -2
 61: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           2609  33W+  11B-  69W=  46B=  32B-    2.0     14.0     2    -7
 62: Tao 5.6                        2483   3B-  75W+  39B-  71W+  27B-    2.0     14.0     2    +1
 63: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             2665  56W=  73B=  24B=  27W=  31B-    2.0     13.5     2   -12
 64: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  17B-  86W+  73B+  14W-  24W-    2.0     13.5     3    -3
 65: SpiderChess 070603             2437  25W=  18B-  78B=  49W=  68B=    2.0     13.0     2    +5
 66: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  52B-  67W=  59B+  54W=  29W-    2.0     12.5     3    +4
 67: SOS 5.1                        2576   5W-  66B=  71B=  72W=  77B=    2.0     12.0     2    -3
 68: Ufim 8.02                      2536  81W=  48B-  85B+  15W-  65W=    2.0     11.0     3    -2
 69: Magnum 4.0                     2486  20B-  84W+  61B=  45W-  72B=    2.0     11.0     2    +5
 70: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  54W=  30B-  95W+  35B-  75W=    2.0     11.0     3    +2
 71: Dragon 4.6                     2418  78W=   9B-  67W=  62B-  92B+    2.0     11.0     2    +4
 72: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573   6B-  83W=  88B=  67B=  69W=    2.0     10.5     2    -7
 73: Green Light Chess     2508  23B=  63W=  64W-  56B-  91W+    2.0     10.5     3    -1
 74: Gothmog 1.0b10                 2479  27W-  89B=  55B=  31B-  90W+    2.0     10.5     2    -1
 75: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  44W-  62B-  93W+  55W=  70B=    2.0     10.0     3   -14
 76: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  46B-  45W-  53B-  93B+  88W+    2.0      9.5     2    -2
 77: Devel 2.0000                   2738  47W-  50B-  94B=  85W+  67W=    2.0      9.0     3   -19
 78: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  71B=  79W-  65W=  47B-  89B+    2.0      9.0     2   -13
 79: Gosu 0.16                      2384   9W=  78B+  18W-  19B-  60B-    1.5     15.5     2    +5
 80: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  87B+  22W-  60B=  17W-  59B-    1.5     13.0     2   -11
 81: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  68B=  82W=  42B-  52W=  44B-    1.5     11.0     2   -17
 82: AnMon 5.75                     2540  48W=  81B=  28B-  84W=  57W-    1.5     11.0     3    -6
 83: Ares 64-bit          2432  10W-  72B=  49B-  94W+  52B-    1.5     11.0     2     0
 84: ECE X3.5 64-bit                2661  31W-  69B-  92W+  82B=  58B-    1.5     10.0     2   -19
 85: Xpdnt 091007                   2469  24W-  49B=  68W-  77B-  94B+    1.5     10.0     2    -2
 86: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  38W-  64B-  87B=  59W-  95W+    1.5      9.0     3    -5
 87: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            2336  80W-  32B-  86W=  95B+  55B-    1.5      9.0     2     0
 88: LambChop 10.99                 2434  18W=  25B-  72W=  53B-  76B-    1.0     13.0     2    -6
 89: K2 0.91                        2588   2B-  74W=  51W-  91B=  78W-    1.0     12.0     3   -15
 90: Terra 3.4                      2365  40W-  55W=  56B=  50B-  74B-    1.0     12.0     2    -4
 91: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           2451  30B=  54W-  58W-  89W=  73B-    1.0     11.0     3    -6
 92: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  14W-  29B-  84B-  96W+  71W-    1.0     10.0     3   -11
 93: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  37B-  28W-  75B-  76W-  96W+    1.0      9.5     3    -7
 94: Trace 1.37a                    2507  26W-  19B-  77W=  83B-  85W-    0.5     11.5     3   -14
 95: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            2382  34B=  35W-  70B-  87W-  86B-    0.5     11.0     2   -14
 96: Comet B68                      2377  16B-  60W-  57W-  92B-  93B-    0.0     10.5     2   -18

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 6. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           ----   Comet B68                        
   2: Trace 1.37a                   ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit          
   3: Terra 3.4                     ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit               
   4: LambChop 10.99                ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit             
   5: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           ----   K2 0.91                          
   6: AnMon 5.75                    ----   Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit             
   7: Xpdnt 091007                  ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                    
   8: ECE X3.5 64-bit               ----   Muse 0.953 64-bit                
   9: Gosu 0.16                     ----   Ares 64-bit            
  10: Magnum 4.0                    ----   Devel 2.0000                     
  11: Glass 2.0 64-bit              ----   Ufim 8.02                        
  12: SOS 5.1                       ----   CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit            
  13: Ruffian 2.1.0                 ----   Viper 0.1 64-bit                 
  14: SpiderChess 070603            ----   Green Light Chess       
  15: Gothmog 1.0b10                ----   Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit      
  16: Djinn 1.021 64-bit            ----   Maverick 1.5 64-bit              
  17: Tao 5.6                       ----   Anatoli 0.35k                    
  18: Dragon 4.6                    ----   NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit             
  19: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit        ----   nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit            
  20: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit        ----   Pupsi2 0.09                      
  21: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit          ----   Zarkov 6.55                      
  22: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           ----   Fridolin 3.10 64-bit             
  23: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           ----   Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit             
  24: DanaSah 7.3                   ----   Nameless 1.4r 64-bit             
  25: Chess Tiger 2007.1            ----   Ghost 3.1 64-bit                 
  26: Aristarch 4.50                ----   Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit                  
  27: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit         ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)        
  28: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit                
  29: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12 ----   Delfi 5.4                        
  30: Betsabe II 1.84               ----   Pseudo 0.7c                      
  31: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                 
  32: Hermann 2.8 64-bit            ----   JikChess 0.02 64-bit             
  33: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1        ----   Amyan 1.72                       
  34: WildCat 8                     ----   Sloppy 0.23 64-bit               
  35: Phalanx XXV                   ----   Nemeton 1.81                     
  36: Nebula 2.0 64-bit             ----   Alaric 707                       
  37: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit         ----   Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit             
  38: E.T. Chess 13.01.08           ----   Colossus 2008b                   
  39: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse       ----   Petir 4.9                        
  40: Shield 2.1 64-bit             ----   Coiled 0.6 64-bit                
  41: Dorky 4.8 64-bit              ----   Asymptote 0.6 64-bit             
  42: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit           ----   Fruit 2.31                       
  43: N2 0.4 64-bit                 ----   Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit             
  44: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit              ----   Minic 0.65 64-bit                
  45: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit            ----   tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit         
  46: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit          ----   Gogobello 2.0 64-bit             
  47: Rodin 8.0                     ----   Gandalf 7 64-bit                 
  48: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU       ----   Cheng 4.39 64-bit               
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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                    
 Trace 1.37a                    1.0 -- 0.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      
 Terra 3.4                      0.0 -- 1.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           
 LambChop 10.99                 0.5 -- 0.5  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  K2 0.91                      
 AnMon 5.75                     0.0 -- 1.0  Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit         
 Xpdnt 091007                   0.0 -- 1.0  Pharaon 3.5.1                
 ECE X3.5 64-bit                1.0 -- 0.0  Muse 0.953 64-bit            
 Gosu 0.16                      0.5 -- 0.5  Ares 64-bit        
 Magnum 4.0                     0.5 -- 0.5  Devel 2.0000                 
 Glass 2.0 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Ufim 8.02                    
 SOS 5.1                        0.5 -- 0.5  CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit        
 Ruffian 2.1.0                  1.0 -- 0.0  Viper 0.1 64-bit             
 SpiderChess 070603             0.0 -- 1.0  Green Light Chess   
 Gothmog 1.0b10                 0.5 -- 0.5  Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit  
 Djinn 1.021 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Maverick 1.5 64-bit          
 Tao 5.6                        0.0 -- 1.0  Anatoli 0.35k                
 Dragon 4.6                     0.0 -- 1.0  NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit         
 RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit        
 Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Pupsi2 0.09                  
 Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Zarkov 6.55                  
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Fridolin 3.10 64-bit         
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit         
 DanaSah 7.3                    1.0 -- 0.0  Nameless 1.4r 64-bit         
 Chess Tiger 2007.1             1.0 -- 0.0  Ghost 3.1 64-bit             
 Aristarch 4.50                 0.0 -- 1.0  Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit             
 GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit            
 Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  1.0 -- 0.0  Delfi 5.4                    
 Betsabe II 1.84                1.0 -- 0.0  Pseudo 0.7c                  
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Orion 0.5 64-bit             
 Hermann 2.8 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  JikChess 0.02 64-bit         
 Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         0.5 -- 0.5  Amyan 1.72                   
 WildCat 8                      1.0 -- 0.0  Sloppy 0.23 64-bit           
 Phalanx XXV                    1.0 -- 0.0  Nemeton 1.81                 
 Nebula 2.0 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Alaric 707                   
 WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit         
 E.T. Chess 13.01.08            0.5 -- 0.5  Colossus 2008b               
 Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        0.0 -- 1.0  Petir 4.9                    
 Shield 2.1 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Coiled 0.6 64-bit            
 Dorky 4.8 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Asymptote 0.6 64-bit         
 Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Fruit 2.31                   
 N2 0.4 64-bit                  1.0 -- 0.0  Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit         
 Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Minic 0.65 64-bit            
 Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit     
 BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Gogobello 2.0 64-bit         
 Rodin 8.0                      0.0 -- 1.0  Gandalf 7 64-bit             
 Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Cheng 4.39 64-bit            

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Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        3470  80W+  14B+  24W+   7B=   9B+   2W+    5.5     23.5     3    -5
  2: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              2940  64W+  17B+  60W+   4B+   6W+   1B-    5.0     24.0     3   +10
  3: Gandalf 7 64-bit               2626  26B=  30B+  16W+  25W=  20B+   7B+    5.0     23.0     2   +14
  4: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             2880  67B+  37W+  58B+   2W-  25B+  11W+    5.0     21.0     3    +6
  5: Minic 0.65 64-bit              2602  76B=  81W+  43W+   8B=  22W+  24B+    5.0     18.5     3   +19
  6: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           2750  68B+  32W+  19B+  13W+   2B-   8W=    4.5     23.5     3   +11
  7: Rodin 8.0                      2633  77W+  34B+  28B+   1W=  23B+   3W-    4.5     23.0     3   +15
  8: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           2838  83W+  23B=  31B+   5W=  15W+   6B=    4.5     22.5     3     0
  9: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            2830  65W+  48W+  22B=  18B+   1W-  36W+    4.5     22.0     4    +8
 10: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  71W+  57B-  42W=  82B+  59B+  23W+    4.5     16.0     3   +13
 11: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       2780  20B+  60W-  33W+  44W+  29B+   4B-    4.0     21.5     3    -2
 12: Shield 2.1 64-bit              2752  56B+  18W-  38W+  41B=  35B+  21W=    4.0     21.0     3    -3
 13: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2653  38W+  49B+  57W+   6B-  24B=  18W=    4.0     21.0     3    +7
 14: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          2633  70B+   1W-  35B=  45B=  77W+  41W+    4.0     19.5     3   +10
 15: Phalanx XXV                    2646  52W=  63B+  59W+  22W=   8B-  47W+    4.0     19.0     4    +5
 16: Betsabe II 1.84                2543  27W=  91B+   3B-  50W+  41W=  64W+    4.0     18.5     4   +10
 17: WildCat 8                      2628  90B+   2W-  45W=  42B=  61B+  43W+    4.0     18.0     3   +11
 18: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           2599  96W+  12B+  51B=   9W-  57W+  13B=    4.0     18.0     3   +15
 19: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  46W+  86B+   6W-  58B=  47B=  42W+    4.0     17.5     3    +5
 20: Petir 4.9                      2565  11W-  95B+  87W+  60B+   3W-  39B+    4.0     17.5     3   +14
 21: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2611  88B=  79W+  76B+  23B-  32W+  12B=    4.0     16.5     2    +4
 22: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  66W+  33B+   9W=  15B=   5B-  28W=    3.5     23.0     3    +4
 23: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  84B+   8W=  40B+  21W+   7W-  10B-    3.5     23.0     3    +6
 24: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  85B+  41W+   1B-  61B+  13W=   5W-    3.5     22.0     3    +5
 25: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  79B=  88W+  26W+   3B=   4W-  29W=    3.5     20.5     4    +2
 26: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462   3W=  62B+  25B-  30W=  38W=  65B+    3.5     20.5     3   +14
 27: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  16B=  29W=  69W+  28B=  36B-  68W+    3.5     19.5     3    -2
 28: Colossus 2008b                 2641  92B+  44W+   7W-  27W=  43B=  22B=    3.5     19.0     3    +2
 29: Amyan 1.72                     2599  91W=  27B=  37B+  51W+  11W-  25B=    3.5     19.0     3    +8
 30: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       2463  62B=   3W-  80B+  26B=  31W=  60W+    3.5     19.0     3   +15
 31: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  73W+  59B=   8W-  48W=  30B=  62W+    3.5     18.5     4    +1
 32: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  94B+   6B-  39W=  62W+  21B-  46W+    3.5     18.5     3    +5
 33: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514  74B+  22W-  11B-  70W+  45W+  44B=    3.5     18.5     3   +14
 34: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            2436  53B+   7W-  41B-  46B=  69W+  63W+    3.5     18.5     3   +16
 35: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           2672  59W-  73B+  14W=  66B+  12W-  71B+    3.5     18.0     3    -5
 36: Fruit 2.31                     2763  61W+  58B-  46W=  86B+  27W+   9B-    3.5     17.5     3    -5
 37: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  78W+   4B-  29W-  69B=  84W+  58B+    3.5     17.5     3    +4
 38: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509  13B-  72W+  12B-  94W+  26B=  57W+    3.5     17.5     3   +13
 39: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  44B-  92W+  32B=  76W+  58W+  20W-    3.5     16.5     4    -8
 40: DanaSah 7.3                    2618  50B=  89B+  23W-  78B=  63W=  59W+    3.5     15.0     3    -4
 41: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517  42W+  24B-  34W+  12W=  16B=  14B-    3.0     22.0     3    +7
 42: Alaric 707                     2664  41B-  85W+  10B=  17W=  78B+  19B-    3.0     19.5     2    -8
 43: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  89W=  50W+   5B-  71B+  28W=  17B-    3.0     19.5     3    -7
 44: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541  39W+  28B-  77W+  11B-  49B=  33W=    3.0     19.5     3    +6
 45: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             2665  63W=  52B=  17B=  14W=  33B-  83W+    3.0     19.0     3    -8
 46: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2513  19B-  93W+  36B=  34W=  48W+  32B-    3.0     19.0     3    +4
 47: Nemeton 1.81                   2423  48B-  65W+  49W+  57B=  19W=  15B-    3.0     19.0     3   +15
 48: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           2609  47W+   9B-  66W=  31B=  46B-  81B+    3.0     18.5     2    -5
 49: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  72B+  13W-  47B-  55W+  44W=  54B=    3.0     18.5     3    +3
 50: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  40W=  43B-  91W+  16B-  53W=  77B+    3.0     17.0     3    +7
 51: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  87B=  82W+  18W=  29B-  64B=  56W=    3.0     16.5     3   -10
 52: Green Light Chess     2508  15B=  45W=  61W-  63B-  89W+  79B+    3.0     15.5     3    +3
 53: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  34W-  77B-  95W+  68W=  50B=  78W+    3.0     14.0     4   -11
 54: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535  57W-  71B=  78W-  75B+  86W+  49W=    3.0     14.0     4    -2
 55: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  81B=  76W-  79W=  49B-  80B+  82W+    3.0     13.0     3    -9
 56: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  12W-  96B+  86W=  59B-  76W+  51B=    3.0     13.0     3     0
 57: Delfi 5.4                      2681  54B+  10W+  13B-  47W=  18B-  38B-    2.5     22.0     2   -15
 58: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  75B+  36W+   4W-  19W=  39B-  37W-    2.5     22.0     4     0
 59: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           2531  35B+  31W=  15B-  56W+  10W-  40B-    2.5     22.0     3    +2
 60: Delocto 0.6 64bit              2604  95W+  11B+   2B-  20W-  65W=  30B-    2.5     20.0     3    -4
 61: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  36B-  75W+  52B+  24W-  17W-  70B=    2.5     19.0     3    -4
 62: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  30W=  26W-  89B+  32B-  74W+  31B-    2.5     18.0     3   -11
 63: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           2530  45B=  15W-  94W=  52W+  40B=  34B-    2.5     18.0     3    -4
 64: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577   2B-  90W=  84W+  79B=  51W=  16B-    2.5     17.5     3    -5
 65: Aristarch 4.50                 2568   9B-  47B-  73W+  88W+  60B=  26W-    2.5     17.5     3    -7
 66: Magnum 4.0                     2486  22B-  74W+  48B=  35W-  83B=  72W=    2.5     17.0     3    +8
 67: SOS 5.1                        2576   4W-  78B=  81B=  83W=  72B=  73W=    2.5     16.0     3    -4
 68: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551   6W-  94B=  70W=  53B=  93W+  27B-    2.5     16.0     3    -5
 69: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  82B=  87W=  27B-  37W=  34B-  90B+    2.5     15.5     2   -15
 70: Gothmog 1.0b10                 2479  14W-  80B=  68B=  33B-  94W+  61W=    2.5     15.5     3     0
 71: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            2357  10B-  54W=  96B+  43W-  87B+  35W-    2.5     15.5     3   +10
 72: Devel 2.0000                   2738  49W-  38B-  92B=  90W+  67W=  66B=    2.5     14.5     3   -22
 73: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  31B-  35W-  65B-  95B+  88W+  67B=    2.5     14.5     2    -1
 74: ECE X3.5 64-bit                2661  33W-  66B-  85W+  87B=  62B-  86W+    2.5     13.5     3   -15
 75: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  58W-  61B-  93B=  54W-  91W+  87B+    2.5     12.5     3    +2
 76: Gosu 0.16                      2384   5W=  55B+  21W-  39B-  56B-  84W=    2.0     20.5     3    +5
 77: Tao 5.6                        2483   7B-  53W+  44B-  81W+  14B-  50W-    2.0     19.5     3    -5
 78: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  37B-  67W=  54B+  40W=  42W-  53B-    2.0     18.5     3    +1
 79: SpiderChess 070603             2437  25W=  21B-  55B=  64W=  82B=  52W-    2.0     18.0     3    +1
 80: K2 0.91                        2588   1B-  70W=  30W-  89B=  55W-  93B+    2.0     17.5     3   -13
 81: Dragon 4.6                     2418  55W=   5B-  67W=  77B-  85B+  48W-    2.0     17.5     3    +1
 82: Ufim 8.02                      2536  69W=  51B-  90B+  10W-  79W=  55B-    2.0     16.5     3    -6
 83: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573   8B-  84W=  88B=  67B=  66W=  45B-    2.0     16.0     2   -10
 84: Ares 64-bit          2432  23W-  83B=  64B-  92W+  37B-  76B=    2.0     15.0     2    -1
 85: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  24W-  42B-  74B-  96W+  81W-  94B+    2.0     12.0     3    -8
 86: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  93B+  19W-  56B=  36W-  54B-  74B-    1.5     17.5     2   -15
 87: AnMon 5.75                     2540  51W=  69B=  20B-  74W=  71W-  75W-    1.5     17.0     4   -13
 88: LambChop 10.99                 2434  21W=  25B-  83W=  65B-  73B-  89W=    1.5     16.0     3    -5
 89: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           2451  43B=  40W-  62W-  80W=  52B-  88B=    1.5     15.5     3    -6
 90: Xpdnt 091007                   2469  17W-  64B=  82W-  72B-  92B+  69W-    1.5     15.0     3    -4
 91: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            2382  29B=  16W-  50B-  93W-  75B-  96W+    1.5     14.5     3    -9
 92: Trace 1.37a                    2507  28W-  39B-  72W=  84B-  90W-  95W+    1.5     14.0     4   -11
 93: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            2336  86W-  46B-  75W=  91B+  68B-  80W-    1.5     13.0     3    -2
 94: Terra 3.4                      2365  32W-  68W=  63B=  38B-  70B-  85W-    1.0     16.5     3    -7
 95: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  60B-  20W-  53B-  73W-  96W+  92B-    1.0     13.5     3   -11
 96: Comet B68                      2377  18B-  56W-  71W-  85B-  95B-  91B-    0.0     14.0     2   -23

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 7. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Comet B68                     ----   Terra 3.4                       
   2: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit             
   3: LambChop 10.99                ----   Trace 1.37a                      
   4: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           ----   AnMon 5.75                       
   5: Muse 0.953 64-bit             ----   Xpdnt 091007                     
   6: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit             
   7: Ares 64-bit         ----   SpiderChess 070603               
   8: Maverick 1.5 64-bit           ----   Viper 0.1 64-bit                 
   9: Ufim 8.02                     ----   Tao 5.6                          
  10: Dragon 4.6                    ----   Gosu 0.16                        
  11: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit          ----   K2 0.91                          
  12: Aristarch 4.50                ----   ECE X3.5 64-bit                  
  13: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit         ----   Pseudo 0.7c                      
  14: Devel 2.0000                  ----   Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit             
  15: Gothmog 1.0b10                ----   Zarkov 6.55                      
  16: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           ----   Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit      
  17: Pharaon 3.5.1                 ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit                
  18: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit          ----   Ghost 3.1 64-bit                 
  19: SOS 5.1                       ----   GarboChess 3.0 64-bit            
  20: Delfi 5.4                     ----   Magnum 4.0                       
  21: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit          ----   nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit            
  22: Glass 2.0 64-bit              ----   Nemeton 1.81                     
  23: Orion 0.5 64-bit              ----   Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit           
  24: Djinn 1.021 64-bit            ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                    
  25: Hermann 2.8 64-bit            ----   Green Light Chess       
  26: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit            ----   RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit           
  27: Alaric 707                    ----   Anatoli 0.35k                    
  28: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit          ----   Pupsi2 0.09                      
  29: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      ----   DanaSah 7.3                      
  30: Amyan 1.72                    ----   Chessmaster 11 Paralyse          
  31: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12 ----   Colossus 2008b                   
  32: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     ----   Chess Tiger 2007.1               
  33: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit              ----   Fruit 2.31                       
  34: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit          ----   Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1           
  35: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           ----   Sjakk 2.2 64-bit                 
  36: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit          ----   JikChess 0.02 64-bit             
  37: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              ----   E.T. Chess 13.01.08              
  38: Coiled 0.6 64-bit             ----   Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit             
  39: Petir 4.9                     ----   Phalanx XXV                      
  40: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit         ----   Asymptote 0.6 64-bit         
  41: Nebula 2.0 64-bit             ----   Dorky 4.8 64-bit                 
  42: Shield 2.1 64-bit             ----   WildCat 8                        
  43: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit      ----   Betsabe II 1.84                  
  44: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit          ----   N2 0.4 64-bit                    
  45: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit          ----   Topple 0.6.1 64-bit              
  46: Minic 0.65 64-bit             ----   Rodin 8.0                        
  47: Gandalf 7 64-bit              ----   Cheng 4.39 64-bit                
  48: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit            ----   Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU          
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by dejan »

Why Amoeba 2.8 when you have Amoeba 3.0 ? :)
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

dejan wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:46 pm Why Amoeba 2.8 when you have Amoeba 3.0 ? :)
Hi Dejan

Because Amoeba 2.8 was last version when played group A (Edition VII). In this Edition (VIII) I will use current version (3.0).

Group A will start soon and I use last versions available of engines (or other by author´s request).

Best regards
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Swiss Tournament Ed.VIII. Group B.

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Terra 3.4                    
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        1.0 -- 0.0  LambChop 10.99               
 Trace 1.37a                    0.0 -- 1.0  Dragon 4.6                   
 Tao 5.6                        1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                    
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          
 Pharaon 3.5.1                  1.0 -- 0.0  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         
 Magnum 4.0                     0.0 -- 1.0  Gothmog 1.0b10               
 Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Gosu 0.16                    
 Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    1.0 -- 0.0  Viper 0.1 64-bit             
 Xpdnt 091007                   1.0 -- 0.0  Ghost 3.1 64-bit             
 K2 0.91                        1.0 -- 0.0  Green Light Chess   
 SOS 5.1                        1.0 -- 0.0  SpiderChess 070603           
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Anatoli 0.35k                
 Orion 0.5 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit         
 ECE X3.5 64-bit                1.0 -- 0.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Aristarch 4.50               
 Ares 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Hermann 2.8 64-bit           
 AnMon 5.75                     0.5 -- 0.5  Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1       
 Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Ufim 8.02                    
 GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  WyldChess 1.51 64-bit        
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       0.5 -- 0.5  nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit        
 Pseudo 0.7c                    0.5 -- 0.5  Maverick 1.5 64-bit          
 Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        0.5 -- 0.5  Nemeton 1.81                 
 Muse 0.953 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Phalanx XXV                  
 Delfi 5.4                      0.5 -- 0.5  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    
 Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit            
 Coiled 0.6 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Ruffian 2.1.0                
 Devel 2.0000                   1.0 -- 0.0  Nameless 1.4r 64-bit         
 Glass 2.0 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Colossus 2008b               
 RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit             
 Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit             
 Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  1.0 -- 0.0  Amyan 1.72                   
 DanaSah 7.3                    0.0 -- 1.0  Petir 4.9                    
 Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Dorky 4.8 64-bit             
 Zarkov 6.55                    1.0 -- 0.0  E.T. Chess 13.01.08          
 Rodin 8.0                      0.5 -- 0.5  Djinn 1.021 64-bit           
 Betsabe II 1.84                0.5 -- 0.5  Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit       
 Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Alaric 707                   
 Chess Tiger 2007.1             1.0 -- 0.0  Nebula 2.0 64-bit            
 N2 0.4 64-bit                  0.0 -- 1.0  NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit         
 Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Gandalf 7 64-bit             
 Pupsi2 0.09                    0.0 -- 1.0  Asymptote 0.6 64-bit         
 Fruit 2.31                     0.5 -- 0.5  Shield 2.1 64-bit            
 JikChess 0.02 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  BugChess2 1.9 64-bit         
 Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Minic 0.65 64-bit            
 tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Gogobello 2.0 64-bit         
 Cheng 4.39 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Topple 0.6.1 64-bit          
 Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        0.5 -- 0.5  WildCat 8                    
Final Standings

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 v0.20.1 nn36089 GPU        3470  64W+  42B+  59W+  28B=  13B+   2W+   4B+  10W+   3B+  11W+  12W+   6W=   11.0     90.0     7    -9
  2: Cheng 4.39 64-bit              2940  49W+   6B+  33W+   4B+  10W+   1B-   8B+   3W-  12W+  18B+   7B+  13W+   10.0     95.5     6   +13
  3: Gogobello 2.0 64-bit           2838  58W+  14B=  20B+  15W=  41W+  10B=  29W+   2B+   1W-  30B+   4W+  11B+    9.5     92.0     6   +20
  4: Gaviota 1.0 64-bit             2880  63B+  48W+  69B+   2W-  61B+  11W+   1W-   7B+  19B+  10W+   3B-  15W+    9.0     90.0     6    +8
  5: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514  52B+  40W-  11B-  75W+  34W+  55B=  14B=  31W+  41W+  15B=  29W+  10W+    8.5     78.5     7   +44
  6: WildCat 8                      2628  68B+   2W-  34W=  37B=  76B+  46W+  12B-  53B=  48W+  22W+  14W+   1B=    8.0     84.5     6   +26
  7: Asymptote 0.6 64-bit           2599  94W+  12B+  38B=  13W-  43W+  31B=  42B+   4W-   8B+  28W+   2W-  21B+    8.0     84.0     6   +33
  8: Gandalf 7 64-bit               2626  32B=  60B+  18W+  61W=  19B+  28B+   2W-  30W-   7W-  47B+  45B+  20B+    8.0     81.5     5   +17
  9: NoraGrace 2.0 64-bit           2609  44W+  13B-  85W=  20B=  78B-  89B+  62W+  42W+  36W+  16W-  59B+  29B+    8.0     70.5     6   +17
 10: BugChess2 1.9 64-bit           2750  86B+  25W+  30B+  31W+   2B-   3W=  13W+   1B-  22W+   4B-  18W+   5B-    7.5     93.5     6   +11
 11: tomitankChess 3.0 64-bit       2780  19B+  33W-   5W+  55W+  47B+   4B-  18W=  36B+  17B+   1B-  16W+   3W-    7.5     92.0     6    +3
 12: Shield 2.1 64-bit              2752  62B+   7W-  22W+  51B=  36B+  35W=   6W+  15W+   2B-  19W+   1B-  17B=    7.5     90.5     6    +3
 13: Topple 0.6.1 64-bit            2830  72W+   9W+  40B=   7B+   1W-  17W+  10B-  16B+  18W-  43W+  30B+   2B-    7.5     90.0     6    -1
 14: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  71B+   3W=  53B+  35W+  28W-  29B-   5W=  44B+  46W+  24B=   6B-  37W+    7.5     82.0     6   +12
 15: Minic 0.65 64-bit              2602  73B=  89W+  46W+   3B=  40W+  59B+  28W=  12B-  30B=   5W=  24W+   4B-    7.5     81.0     6   +18
 16: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  18B=  47W=  74W+  45B=  17B-  86W+  48B+  13W-  35W+   9B+  11B-  30W+    7.5     77.5     6    +6
 17: Fruit 2.31                     2763  76W+  69B-  78W=  56B+  16W+  13B-  32B+  29B+  11W-  45W=  23B+  12W=    7.5     76.5     6    -4
 18: Betsabe II 1.84                2543  16W=  90B+   8B-  79W+  51W=  49W+  11B=  35B+  13B+   2W-  10B-  24W=    7.0     82.0     6   +24
 19: Petir 4.9                      2565  11W-  93B+  65W+  33B+   8W-  57B+  41W+  28B+   4W-  12B-  21W-  53B+    7.0     79.0     6   +22
 20: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  92W+  50B=   3W-   9W=  60B=  23W+  35B=  46B-  52B+  54W+  28B+   8W-    7.0     78.5     6    +2
 21: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  26B+  31W-  44B-  27W+  55W=  24B=  51B=  63W+  40B=  41W+  19B+   7W-    7.0     78.0     6   +16
 22: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509  31B-  26W+  12B-  96W+  32B=  43W+  45W+  40B+  10B-   6B-  36W=  47W+    7.0     75.5     6   +29
 23: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  60W=  32W-  88B+  25B-  52W+  20B-  75B+  50W=  42W+  46B+  17W-  40W+    7.0     72.5     7    +2
 24: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535  43W-  54B=  84W-  87B+  56W+  21W=  78B+  34B+  59W+  14W=  15B-  18B=    7.0     71.5     6   +13
 25: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  96B+  10B-  57W=  23W+  35B-  78W+  40W-  49B-  80W+  33W+  32B=  46B+    7.0     69.0     6    +8
 26: Devel 2.0000                   2738  21W-  22B-  91B=  68W+  63W=  85B=  66W+  33B-  51W+  34B=  60W+  50W+    7.0     68.5     7   -21
 27: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  89B=  73W-  81W=  21B-  64B+  70W+  44W-  38B+  60B=  48W+  50B=  45W+    7.0     67.0     6    -3
 28: Rodin 8.0                      2633  82W+  67B+  45B+   1W=  14B+   8W-  15B=  19W-  47W+   7B-  20W-  34W=    6.5     84.5     7    +3
 29: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  54W+  43B-  37W=  70B+  50B+  14W+   3B-  17W-  33B+  32W+   5B-   9W-    6.5     83.5     6    +6
 30: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  78W+  56B+  10W-  69B=  44B=  37W+  31W+   8B+  15W=   3W-  13W-  16B-    6.5     82.0     7    +4
 31: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2653  22W+  21B+  43W+  10B-  59B=   7W=  30B-   5B-  37W-  84W+  54W+  36B=    6.5     79.0     6    -5
 32: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462   8W=  23B+  61B-  60W=  22W=  72B+  17W-  79B+  53W+  29B-  25W=  38B=    6.5     76.0     6   +25
 33: Delocto 0.6 64bit              2604  93W+  11B+   2B-  19W-  72W=  60B-  74B+  26W+  29W-  25B-  64W+  59B+    6.5     75.0     6    +9
 34: Djinn 1.021 64-bit             2665  66W=  80B=   6B=  42W=   5B-  58W+  39W=  24W-  86B+  26W=  72B+  28B=    6.5     74.5     6    -8
 35: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2611  95B=  81W+  73B+  14B-  25W+  12B=  20W=  18W-  16B-  49B=  70W+  39W=    6.5     73.5     6    -1
 36: Fridolin 3.10 64-bit           2672  50W-  92B+  42W=  85B+  12W-  54B+  61W+  11W-   9B-  63W+  22B=  31W=    6.5     73.0     7    -9
 37: Alaric 707                     2664  51B-  83W+  29B=   6W=  84B+  30B-  79W=  52W=  31B+  40W=  43W+  14B-    6.5     72.0     6    -7
 38: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  65B=  70W+   7W=  47B-  49B=  62W=  46B-  27W-  74B+  66B+  77W+  32W=    6.5     71.0     6   -16
 39: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  67W-  82B-  93W+  86W=  79B=  84W+  34B=  58B+  50B=  59W=  49W=  35B=    6.5     62.5     6    -7
 40: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  85W+   5B+  13W=  41B=  15B-  45W=  25B+  22W-  21W=  37B=  53W=  23B-    6.0     80.0     6    -5
 41: Phalanx XXV                    2646  80W=  66B+  50W+  40W=   3B-  44W+  19B-  60W+   5B-  21B-  57W=  56B=    6.0     77.5     6   -12
 42: WyldChess 1.51 64-bit          2633  75B+   1W-  36B=  34B=  82W+  51W+   7W-   9B-  23B-  58W-  84W+  69B+    6.0     77.5     6    -4
 43: Delfi 5.4                      2681  24B+  29W+  31B-  44W=   7B-  22B-  85W+  55W+  57W+  13B-  37B-  48W=    6.0     77.0     6   -13
 44: Nemeton 1.81                   2423   9B-  72W+  21W+  43B=  30W=  41B-  27B+  14W-  54B-  52W+  58B=  57B=    6.0     77.0     5   +27
 45: Colossus 2008b                 2641  91B+  55W+  28W-  16W=  46B=  40B=  22B-  67W+  49W+  17B=   8W-  27B-    6.0     76.5     6    -7
 46: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  88W=  79W+  15B-  54B+  45W=   6B-  38W+  20W+  14B-  23W-  62B+  25W-    6.0     76.5     7    -7
 47: Amyan 1.72                     2599  90W=  16B=  48B+  38W+  11W-  61B=  57W+  59B=  28B-   8W-  65W+  22B-    6.0     75.5     6    +4
 48: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  84W+   4B-  47W-  74B=  71W+  69B+  16W-  51W+   6B-  27B-  63W+  43B=    6.0     74.0     6    -2
 49: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577   2B-  68W=  71W+  81B=  38W=  18B-  92B+  25W+  45B-  35W=  39B=  58W=    6.0     74.0     6    +1
 50: Nameless 1.4r 64-bit           2531  36B+  20W=  41B-  62W+  29W-  53B-  86W+  23B=  39W=  71B+  27W=  26B-    6.0     74.0     6   +12
 51: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517  37W+  59B-  67W+  12W=  18B=  42B-  21W=  48B-  26B-  81B=  87W+  70W+    6.0     71.5     6   +10
 52: ECE X3.5 64-bit                2661   5W-  85B-  83W+  65B=  23B-  56W+  72B+  37B=  20W-  44B-  74W+  77W+    6.0     70.0     6   -18
 53: DanaSah 7.3                    2618  79B=  88B+  14W-  84B=  66W=  50W+  60B=   6W=  32B-  61W+  40B=  19W-    6.0     70.0     6   -13
 54: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit            2357  29B-  24W=  94B+  46W-  65B+  36W-  76W+  61B=  44W+  20B-  31B-  72W+    6.0     70.0     6   +31
 55: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541  57W+  45B-  82W+  11B-  21B=   5W=  80W=  43B-  62W=  72W-  86B+  71B+    6.0     69.5     6    +6
 56: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  77B+  30W-  62B=  17W-  24B-  52B-  68W+  75W+  66W=  70W=  80B+  41W=    6.0     69.0     7    -5
 57: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  55B-  91W+  25B=  73W+  69W+  19W-  47B-  80B+  43B-  60W=  41B=  44W=    6.0     67.5     6   -25
 58: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573   3B-  71W=  95B=  63B=  85W=  34B-  84W+  39W-  73W+  42B+  44W=  49B=    6.0     67.0     6    -5
 59: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  83B+  51W+   1B-  76B+  31W=  15W-  67B+  47W=  24B-  39B=   9W-  33W-    5.5     80.0     6   -11
 60: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit       2463  23B=   8W-  64B+  32B=  20W=  33W+  53W=  41B-  27W=  57B=  26B-  62W=    5.5     78.0     6   +19
 61: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  81B=  95W+  32W+   8B=   4W-  47W=  36B-  54W=  70B=  53B-  71W=  65B=    5.5     71.0     6   -15
 62: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  12W-  94B+  56W=  50B-  73W+  38B=   9B-  87W=  55B=  79W+  46W-  60B=    5.5     68.5     6    -9
 63: SOS 5.1                        2576   4W-  84B=  89B=  58W=  26B=  92W=  69W+  21B-  76W+  36B-  48B-  81W+    5.5     67.5     6    -4
 64: K2 0.91                        2588   1B-  75W=  60W-  88B=  27W-  77B+  87B=  65W-  92B+  82W+  33B-  80W+    5.5     66.0     6   -14
 65: AnMon 5.75                     2540  38W=  74B=  19B-  52W=  54W-  87W-  90B+  64B+  79B=  78W+  47B-  61W=    5.5     64.5     6    -4
 66: Jumbo 0.6.107 64-bit           2530  34B=  41W-  96W=  80W+  53B=  67B-  26B-  69W+  56B=  38W-  79B=  78B+    5.5     64.0     5    +1
 67: MadChess 2.2 64-bit            2436  39B+  28W-  51B-  78B=  74W+  66W+  59W-  45B-  71B-  80W-  82B+  79W+    5.5     64.0     6   +14
 68: Xpdnt 091007                   2469   6W-  49B=  70W-  26B-  91B+  74W-  56B-  90W+  69B-  83W+  75B+  86W+    5.5     63.0     6   +10
 69: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  87B+  17W+   4W-  30W=  57B-  48W-  63B-  66B-  68W+  75B=  73W+  42W-    5.0     71.5     7   -12
 70: Ufim 8.02                      2536  74W=  38B-  68B+  29W-  81W=  27B-  82W+  73B+  61W=  56B=  35B-  51B-    5.0     68.5     5    -7
 71: Ares 64-bit          2432  14W-  58B=  49B-  91W+  48B-  73B=  81W+  78W=  67W+  50W-  61B=  55W-    5.0     66.0     7    +6
 72: Aristarch 4.50                 2568  13B-  44B-  92W+  95W+  33B=  32W-  52W-  91W+  78B=  55B+  34W-  54B-    5.0     65.5     6   -14
 73: Gosu 0.16                      2384  15W=  27B+  35W-  57B-  62B-  71W=  89B+  70W-  58B-  85W+  69B-  87B+    5.0     65.5     5   +15
 74: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  70B=  65W=  16B-  48W=  67B-  68B+  33W-  85B=  38W-  95W+  52B-  88W+    5.0     65.0     6   -31
 75: Gothmog 1.0b10                 2479  42W-  64B=  86B=   5B-  96W+  76W=  23W-  56B-  83B+  69W=  68W-  85B+    5.0     63.0     6     0
 76: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  17B-  87W+  80B+  59W-   6W-  75B=  54B-  92W+  63B-  77B-  88B=  84W+    5.0     62.5     5   -19
 77: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit            2336  56W-  78B-  87W=  90B+  86B-  64W-  93B+  81W=  85B+  76W+  38B-  52B-    5.0     57.5     5   +18
 78: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2513  30B-  77W+  17B=  67W=   9W+  25B-  24W-  71B=  72W=  65B-  81B=  66W-    4.5     72.0     6   -11
 79: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  53W=  46B-  90W+  18B-  39W=  82B+  37B=  32W-  65W=  62B-  66W=  67B-    4.5     69.0     6    -2
 80: Green Light Chess     2508  41B=  34W=  76W-  66B-  88W+  81B+  55B=  57W-  25B-  67B+  56W-  64B-    4.5     67.5     5    -6
 81: SpiderChess 070603             2437  61W=  35B-  27B=  49W=  70B=  80W-  71B-  77B=  88B+  51W=  78W=  63B-    4.5     64.5     5    -1
 82: Tao 5.6                        2483  28B-  39W+  55B-  89W+  42B-  79W-  70B-  88W=  91B+  64B-  67W-  94W+    4.5     60.5     6   -10
 83: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  59W-  37B-  52B-  94W+  89W-  96B+  88W=  86B-  75W-  68B-  93W+  90W+    4.5     53.5     7   -15
 84: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  48B-  63W=  24B+  53W=  37W-  39B-  58B-  89W+  87W+  31B-  42B-  76B-    4.0     69.0     5    -3
 85: Magnum 4.0                     2486  40B-  52W+   9B=  36W-  58B=  26W=  43B-  74W=  77W-  73B-  95B+  75W-    4.0     68.5     6    -6
 86: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551  10W-  96B=  75W=  39B=  77W+  16B-  50B-  83W+  34W-  87B=  55W-  68B-    4.0     66.0     6   -23
 87: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  69W-  76B-  77B=  24W-  90W+  65B+  64W=  62B=  84B-  86W=  51B-  73W-    4.0     61.5     6    -5
 88: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit           2451  46B=  53W-  23W-  64W=  80B-  95B=  83B=  82B=  81W-  94B+  76W=  74B-    4.0     59.0     5    -7
 89: Dragon 4.6                     2418  27W=  15B-  63W=  82B-  83B+   9W-  73W-  84B-  94W-  93W-  96B+  91B+    4.0     58.5     6    -9
 90: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit            2382  47B=  18W-  79B-  77W-  87B-  94W+  65W-  68B-  93B=  96W+  91W+  83B-    4.0     54.5     6    -8
 91: Trace 1.37a                    2507  45W-  57B-  26W=  71B-  68W-  93W+  95B+  72B-  82W-  92B+  90B-  89W-    3.5     57.0     6   -24
 92: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  20B-  36W-  72B-  93B+  95W+  63B=  49W-  76B-  64W-  91W-  94B-  96W+    3.5     56.0     6   -21
 93: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  33B-  19W-  39B-  92W-  94W+  91B-  77W-  96B-  90W=  89B+  83B-  95W+    3.5     53.0     6   -17
 94: Comet B68                      2377   7B-  62W-  54W-  83B-  93B-  90B-  96W+  95W=  89B+  88W-  92W+  82B-    3.5     52.5     6   -13
 95: LambChop 10.99                 2434  35W=  61B-  58W=  72B-  92B-  88W=  91W-  94B=  96B+  74B-  85W-  93B-    3.0     52.0     5   -18
 96: Terra 3.4                      2365  25W-  86W=  66B=  22B-  75B-  83W-  94B-  93W+  95W-  90B-  89W-  92B-    2.0     54.5     6   -23
Lc0 is the winner of Group B. Congratulations to Lc0 team
Engines ranked 1 to 16 will play in Group A (will start soon).
Engines ranked 81 to 96 will play in Group C next edition
Games will be available soon ... groupB.htm
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