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19th Amateur Series Division 7 (completed)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:56 pm
by Graham Banks
19TH AMATEUR SERIES (Division 7)

Intel Q6600 Quad Core
128mb hash each
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
HS-Large Remis book (limited to 12 moves)
40 moves in 32 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
4 cycles 44 rounds
All engines 32-bit 1CPU
Due to some engines being ineligible for the next series unless new versions come out, the top five engines will likely gain automatic promotion and there will likely be no automatic relegation. The fate of the sixth top engine and the bottom engine (perhaps others also) are likely to be determined by grading matches before the next series.

ZCT 0.3.2500
Adam 3.2
ECE 1.1
TJchess 0.121
Bearded 06_29_02
KMTChess 1.2.1
Ifrit j2.9
Protej 0.5.7
Firefly 2.5.6
Jabba 1.0
Slibo 0.5.0
BikJump 2.01













Re: 19th Amateur Series Division 7

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:41 pm
by Graham Banks
19TH AMATEUR SERIES (Division 7)

Intel Q6600 Quad Core
128mb hash each
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
HS-Large Remis book (limited to 12 moves)
40 moves in 32 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
4 cycles 44 rounds
All engines 32-bit 1CPU
Due to some engines being ineligible for the next series unless new versions come out, the top five engines will likely gain automatic promotion and there will likely be no automatic relegation. The fate of the sixth top engine and the bottom engine (perhaps others also) are likely to be determined by grading matches before the next series.
Final Standings

29.0 - KMTChess 1.2.1
24.0 - TJchess 0.121
23.5 - FireFly 2.5.6
23.5 - ZCT 0.3.2500
23.0 - BikJump 2.01
23.0 - Bearded 06_29_02
23.0 - Adam 3.2
22.0 - Ifrit j2.9
18.5 - Slibo 0.5.0
18.0 - ECE 1.1
18.0 - Jabba 1.0
18.0 - Protej 0.5.7